Is Word Trip Down?

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📋 178 Recent Outage Reports

Smiling With You 2024-12-02

The game is frozen cannot play I have a club I cannot help them or play .word trip has been down for 3 days and 3 nights I sad I am over one thousand levels . I did the new update on Apple Store then it froze

Lisa Kuepfer 2024-08-19

App opened then crashes immediately....says work trip has stopped.

Jim 2024-08-15

Crashes right after opening. Rebooted phone. Still happens. IOS 17.6.1

Geri Actor 2024-08-14

Word Trip isn't loading. uninstalled and re-installed and it still won't load. cleared cache, doesn't help. Other suggestions?

Danielle 2024-06-20

Game is frozen or has an extreme lag in game play

G Wiz 2024-06-03

My Word Trip Accumulated score and standing has disappeared on my Fire Tablet. How can I recover it? I was near end of word trip, was .01 in number of people able to solve.

Joy Reading 2024-04-18

Words no longer in alphabetical order

Cheryl 2024-02-23

It keeps turning itself off when I am trying to solve the puzzle

Kay 2024-01-20

the word trip icon is gray

Hannah 2024-01-19

Not in alphabeticalorder anymore.

Fay 2024-01-07

Black screen

Sandra 2023-12-29

Words no longer in alphabetical order

Joyce Wiltshire 2023-12-26

Same words are coming up on every game

Ali 2023-12-04

Created a private club on word trip. Won 1st place on a tournament worth 6500 coins. Never received my coins. Also can't access my private club anymore at all

Karena 2023-12-02

Screen suddenly went Black last week during a tournament. Cannot get it back and totally frustrating. App acts like it is loading for about 3 seconds than goes total Black

Cynthia Lewis 2023-11-25

When I go to the ap, I get nothing but a black screen. It has been this way since 11/22/23. I have now lost my playing streak of 200+ games in a row.

Al 2023-11-19

The screen just goes to black after loading. I've cleared the cache and gone through a force quit to try to reboot the app, but nothing works. Can this ever be fixed?

Britt 2023-11-05

Can't join a club? I've tried every single club listed but it keeps saying they're full when they're not. Some even have 2/50 spots filled.

N 2023-11-03

can't get out of word club creation I don't want to do this I just want to play the game

Marianna Johnson 2023-10-30

I have placed first in emerald league & was relegated to Ruby but won & I'm not getting the coins - worked out I should have had over 3000 coins that I'm not getting

Jennifer Symon 2023-10-24

Not adding points on. When I gain 50 only adds 1 or 2 so I can't win tournaments

Eileen 2023-10-22

I have a spin but when I touch the screen to collect the free spin, nothing happens.

Susan K. Savage 2023-10-18

Words are not in alphabetical order.

Fazeeda Hosein 2023-10-08

Someone tries to join club (private). They receive message saying club is full, when it is not (only has 7/50) members.

Janet 2023-09-19

Word Trip is running so slow it's painful. Crashes more than it runs. I've been playing a long time. At Level 16817 on iOS. Makes me sad.

HaleyShea 2023-09-14

From the initial loading screen, the screen goes completely black and the app will not load. I have updated latest version, cleared cache, restarted device, cleared all other apps. Nothing has worked all afternoon/evening.

Pauline Westbury 2023-09-11

Whenever I tap the light bulb for a letter I get the SHOP advert and not a letter.

Carolyn 2023-09-10

Why a coin limit of 60000?? What am I supposed to spend coins on? This has totally spoiled the game of Word Trip for me. Is it a ploy to get me to spend real money. I am annoyed!

Sue 2023-08-26

The words are no longer in alphabetical order

Reba W 2023-08-24

WordTrip usese too much memory on my tablet with its large cache. Is there a way I can clear this out w/o losing my progress? I dont use Facebook.

Suzie ( Vertrice S) Smith 2023-08-21

I like WORD TRIP, the annoying black screen where an ad should be, cannot be removed without powering off phone. Happens frequently. Fix it or I am outta here.

Wonder Woman 2023-08-19

Keep freezing

Liky 2023-08-14

Black gift box showing up n opening instead of regular. Colored gift box. Is this a virus sign?

Leigh 2023-08-08

Not alphabetical anymore

John Curran Jcur 2023-08-05

Screen is black

Lori W. 2023-07-29

Two seconds after the first screen comes on it turns black. Over 24 hours now since this problem began. I cleared the cache.

Sandra Matthews 2023-07-12

Play is incredibly slow

Shelby Taylor 2023-07-08

Locked up and won't unlock

Fiesta 2023-07-05

The words are no longer an alphabetical order.

Jade 2023-06-29

I love this game but now that the words of the same length are not in alphabetical order, I will probably stop playing.

Doug 2023-06-21

Extremely slow, lagging. Up to 2 minutes after removing finger until it draws.

Bev 2023-06-20

Not working stuck

Beverly Orwat 2023-06-14

Frozen screen can not move forward

Linda 2023-06-12

The events is not working.

Meshack 2023-06-04

Am getting the right words for level 205 but nor accepted

Diane Ryan 2023-06-01

I had this game downloaded and PURCHASED on my previous tablet under username shuga without incident or issue, however as I recently changed devices and redownloaded the game it has started me over again at the beginning as if I'm a new user. The only way I was able to get the game was to login via Facebook, which I did NOT want to do, and now it has reset everything and is under my FB name and has taken away my levels and coins. I t now shows me under the FB with 16 levels but only 320 coins which is absolutely incorrect whereas under my username shuga that I have the game purchased under I have well over 2000 coins and much more! Now on BOTH devices, I can not change the username to shuga where everything is that I need. Even when I log completely out of the game and log back in, it still doesn't login as shuga, only as a new user or FB login. Please assist ASAP! Thank you.

Charlie 2023-05-28

Words not in alphabetical order

Dayle 2023-05-28

Word words are no longer in alphabetical order

Elizabeth 2023-05-14

Words not in alphabetical order

Penny TAYLOR 2023-05-13

Not in alphabetical order, no point playing, very boring!!!!

Val 2023-05-13

Suddenly the words are not being placed in alphabetical order, making it impossible. Why?

Fluffygerbillips 2023-05-12

Words aren’t in alphabetical order!

Jay 2023-05-11

Not working in alphabetical order

Sandy 2023-05-08

My words are not in alpha order

Thomas Murray 2023-05-07

I contacted them and was told words aren't in alphabetical order anymore for fun... I don't get it! I'm also having every other ad freeze on a blank screen, ads that are seemingly impossible to close, ads that go for longer than the time it might say (30s for instance might take 1 minute) and getting the fake "update your word trip!" ad which is IMPOSSIBLE to close! It opens google play every time! I'd suggest everyone here to contact them about all of these issues because I've never gotten through to them. It took weeks until clubs worked again.

Nancy 2023-05-02

Lost all progress

Judes 2023-05-02

Word trip not loading. Getting a black screen. Also words have nit been in alphabetic order for about 3 weeks prior to the current issue

Judy 2023-05-02

It is stuck on the same page for a couple of days.

Alison 2023-04-30

Not in alphabetical order anymore really annoying

Angie 2023-04-29

It is no longer in alphabetical.

Lorraine 2023-04-29

Words are not in alphabetical order.

Eileen 2023-04-28

Words not in alphabetical order

Kathy 2023-04-25

Words not in alphabetical order

Hoptoit 2023-04-23

My answers are no longer in alphabetical order. Thanks.

Anita K 2023-04-22

Screen locked after free Scratch cards added to game. Tried all logical fixes… nothing works!!

June 2023-04-20

Words not in alphabetical order

Margaret Sugden 2023-04-19

Words not in alphabetical order

Teresa 2023-04-19

Words are not in alphabetical order

James Phillips 2023-04-19

Andrew... but still, even my complaints aren't showing up on this site! It got rid of all my wisdom and I'm in the lowest league due to the 2 weeks of crashing. Clubs are no longer accessible, the game is straight up broken. Half the ads crash the game now.

Anthony Phillips 2023-04-17

Apparently (as Andrew) my comment was not allowed because I swore? Anyway, they f**ked up the game with the new update. Clubs are no longer available, or it says "unlock in 1 puzzle!" ok, I did like 5 puzzles, it's still locked. Also, despite unchecking "show me this every time" before playing an ad, it still resets to being checked off. Words still not in alphabetical order as others have noted. They COMPLETELY broke the game the last 2 updates. Also, it still thinks today is 2 weeks ago. If they're going to do anything right, they need to make it so the words of wisdom leaderboard is balanced. 10 words going up against someone with 30 isn't fair and makes it impossible to win let alone compete. I have almost 20 first place wins because I was in countries full of words for so long, and now I'm stuck in countries with no more than 12.

Andrew Phillips 2023-04-17

Well I uninstalled and reinstalled, it's no wonder it broke. They did a big update on it, even getting rid of the clubs thing entirely, so taking away a big feature that helped you earn coins and hints... why? Words are still not in alphabetical order and leaderboards still unbalanced. If you're in a country with just 10 words, you should've be even put up against countries with 30. Is it really that hard to just categorize people based on how far they are? Also, the "don't show this again" now on coin ads doesn't work. I've unchecked it and I keep having to every time. They really just fucked this whole game up so bad lol

Andrew Phillips 2023-04-17

Is this game really not failing to open for anyone else? It's been 2 weeks for me, still does not load. I'm scared to uninstall and reinstall because I have over a year of progress and so many coins, first place wins, etc. I've probably dropped to the absolute lowest on everything I worked hard on.

Celix V Lasen Nieves 2023-04-15

Why are the words not in alphabetical order anymore???

Kami R 2023-04-13

Words found are no longer listed in alphabetical order. Please advise.

Andrew Phillips 2023-04-13

It's been 10 days and the game still won't open, I've played since late 2021 and have 30,000+ coins, a bunch of wins, etc. I paid for this shit, am I really expected to just lose all my progress?

Kevin Felton 2023-04-13

Answers are no longer in alphabetical order.

Lateefah 2023-04-12

5 letter word has 4 letters in blocks. 5th letter did not go. Gsme is stuck, unable to add last letter

Loyal Game Player 2023-04-11

Did not have any problems with this game for months until you added this new daily tap free thing please please eliminate it. I haven’t been able to play since U added it. Can’t open the game.

Ellie 2023-04-11

Words not in alphabetical order

Rayetta Vanatti 2023-04-08

Words are no longer an alphabetical order

Alan Cormier 2023-04-08

Black screen as soon as I try to load it. as others noted, words no longer in alphabetical order either. I thought it was just the country I was on. I'd requested they do the spelling bee per country because it's unbalanced. My country would have 6-10 words with an average wisdom of 32 competing with people at 150. That's how my previous countries were and winning was so easy. I hope over a year of progress doesn't just get erased. They f*ck this game up all the time.

Catherine Whittington 2023-04-06

The game has stopped after being completed. How can I fix this?

Becky 2023-04-04

Words not alphabetical

Gel 2023-03-27

Game will not load

Kay 2023-03-22

The list of words is not in alphabetical order Is this deliberate?

Suzie Schneider 2023-03-22

Answers are not entered in alphabetical anymore(March 21, 2023).

Norona Smith 2023-03-22

Not alphabetical, totally screwed up.

Linda Dell 2023-03-20

Game frozen

TLk 2023-03-17

Words no longer alphabetized for last 1-2 weeks

Paula Barker Sharp 2023-03-16

Answers no longer in alphabetical order. Will this be fixed?

Pat 2023-03-14

Words not in alphabetically order, anymore.

Fiona 2023-03-09

After installing the latest version of Word Trip a couple of weeks ago, the app crashes after about 30 seconds every time I try to use it. iPad iOS 12.5.7

Alli 2023-03-08

Answers no longer in alphabetical order.

Lorraine Sawdon 2023-03-07

Will keep going off

Jill Weiss 2023-03-07

words no longer in alphabetical order

Barbara Cook 2023-03-07

Word trip not going in alphabetical order

Paula Barker Sharp 2023-03-06

Tonight the answers no longer seem to be in alphabetical order. That was something I could always count on in the past.

Julie 2023-03-06

Words are not alphabetical. How do I correct this problem?

Dee 2023-03-05

Words are no longer in alphabetical order, very frustrating along with very small puzzles

Mikki 2023-03-04

Correct words are no longer in alphabetical order.

Cathy 2023-03-04

Words no longer in alphabetical order

Jean 2023-03-04

Words not in alphabetical order

Lynette 2023-03-04

The words are no longer in alphabetical order

Claire 2023-03-04

For the last few days the answers are not sorted alphabetically. When will this be fixed?

Lily 2023-03-04

The levels don't show the name of the country where the image is from anymore. It says things like Serenity.

Lily 2023-03-04

The words are no longer in alphabetical order and the all the levels have only two short rows of words. They are all really small. The puzzle accepts whatever words you put in first. If I take the letter F and put in a bunch of words starting with that letter, then those are the words in the puzzle. If I do the same thing in the next level with a different letter, it's those words fill up the puzzle. It's only about what words you put first. The answers are not programed already. If I take a word and make it plural (by adding an S to the end) then those words are in the puzzle when they were normally always bonus words. Words that have ALWAYS only been bonus words are now in the puzzle. It's weird and it's not as fun or challenging anymore.

Martin 2023-03-03

The correct words are not showing in alphabetical order?

Janet McGinnis 2023-03-03

The words in the puzzle are no longer in alphabetical order!

Jennifer 2023-03-02

The words are not sorting in alphabetical order on the board

Essex Lily 2023-02-23

Keeps showing new levels coming but nothing happens

Margaret Stewart 2023-02-19

Word Trip not playing correctly game comes on you answer couple of words then completely cuts out, have to start over

Irene Packer 2023-02-18

I have reached 59,999 coins and now the system won't allow me to play. I get notices coin limit reached to continue. This happens now when I try to enter a word, spin wheel, or claim bonus. I'm at a standstill. I don't understand.

Steven 2023-02-18

Freezing.. Mid game.

Diana Gar 2023-02-13

deletef all my progress

Samantha 2023-02-12

Gets stuck on an add forward r Fuze Forge and I can’t get rid of it. I’m stuck

Jim Goldsbury 2023-02-09

I keep quickly solving puzzles but only get awarded 30 points! There is no way I can possibly complete earning 30 points per puzzle. I use to get 50 - 80 points each puzzle. What's up??

Patti Sell 2023-02-07

This is getting confusing to play because it's not putting the words in alphabetical order. How do I fix this?

Fred 2023-02-03

No adverts

Mary Lanier 2023-02-02

Not putting words in alphabetical order

Mary Lanier 2023-02-02

Not putting words in alphabetical order

Monica Hampleman Stewart 2023-02-01

Won’t allow me to play or get to any other areas like menu

Shoety 2023-01-30

Answers not in alphabetical order anymore

Clive Hird 2023-01-26

Game keeps going off after about 30 seconds

Jacky Bentley 2023-01-22

After about three words it crashes and I have to go back in again. Apple I pad

Keith Kemper 2023-01-17

Word answers suddenly not in alphabetical order. This has happened before for a short period. Is there a fix? thanks.

Kate 2023-01-16

Answers no longer in alphabetical order...

Wendy Turner 2023-01-16

The words are not in alphabetical order anymore. Makes it really difficult. Is this meant to happen?

Paulette Lassiter 2023-01-13

The game will not load and it displays a black screen

Clive Hird 2023-01-10

Keeps cutting out after 1 minute every time

Rantuhl 2023-01-09

The last dozed or so games the words were not in alphabetical order! Now I'm at level 2399. It took one word (TINE) then took every other valid word as bonus words, including those that cheat sites say are part of the puzzle. Can't solve so can't progress.

Anne Cullagh 2023-01-09

1. Screen goes black 2. Extremely slow 3. Freezes Tried to leave review yesterday and no keyboard to type problems! Also VERY annoying to lose your previous scores when you get a new phone!! I have had a number of wins and these are not showing. Most ridiculous of all is that you have to go back to forming babies words when commencing...

Jenny 2023-01-01

Says not connected to the internet for daily puzzle

Douglas Zerbst 2022-12-31

I click on the Word trip icon and it starts to load, but then the screen goes black

Joyce 2022-12-31

Word trip only stays on for under a minute and I have to reload it - very frustrating! A message appears ‘this action cannot be completed. Try again later.’ I do but the same thing happens again. I’ve tried clearing cookies, switching my iPad off then on but nothing seems to solve the problem. Bad advice to reinstall app as all progress will be lost!

Carolyn Kelly 2022-12-30

Yesterday l upgraded Word Trip. Since that time the game keeps restarting but doesn’t include last move.

Bill Teipel 2022-12-29

On puzzle 4588 and puzzle says there's no more words to find out letters to buy but there's open words that won't fill in Soo I can't go forward. Tried restarting with no luck.

Veronica 2022-12-24

Word trip keeps closing every few minutes. I’ve reinstalled, rebooted & restarted, but nothing helps

Kenneth Wooten 2022-12-23

The game keeps crashing as soon as I open it. I tried going through the menu and clicked on contact us, technical issues and at that time it crashed and the screen went black I could not even get that far. Hopefully someone can help me fix this I don't want to have to delete the game and lose all of my progress thank you Kenneth Wooten

Graham Kenning 2022-12-22

I start the game and after a couple of minutes there’s a sort of scratchy sound and the game closes!

Pamela 2022-12-21

Keeps automatically closing down every couple of minutes


An ad for Apple keeps popping up every 20 seconds or so and nothing I do gets rid of it. It is ruining the app for me.

Kevin 2022-12-12

I am in India but every word goes to the bonus words. I have found about 30 words and none have appeared on the main grid.

Roger Elliott 2022-12-11

Adverts keep popping up full screen all the time like every 15 seconds. Now impossible to play

Eboni 2022-12-04

Word trip starts up like it’s about to let me play with the intro and letting me see my profile then as I hit play game the screen goes black. Please help I have close to 5000 solved. This is my favorite game please help

Eboni 2022-12-04

Word trip starts up like it’s about to let me play with the intro and letting me see my profile then as I hit play game the screen goes black. Please help I have close to 5000 solved. This is my favorite game please help

Eboni 2022-12-04

Word trip starts up like it’s about to let me play with the intro and letting me see my profile then as I hit play game the screen goes black. Please help I have close to 5000 solved. This is my favorite game please help

Sreesanth 2022-11-30

Game is not opening its loading forever

Yve 2022-11-30

Not working on iPad Pro when using offline (since mid-2022): lagging response and consistent freeze…virtually impossible to use now.

Charmaine 2022-10-04

The same as Deena above. The screen is frozen. I finished a game and it does not close to start another one.

Deena 2022-10-02

Screen frozen. Nothing I touch works. Afraid I will lose all my progress if I try to reset.

Word Trip not working? Report a problem you're having

User reports

  • Feb 15, 2025, 04:22 PM

    A user from Russia reported a problem with Word Trip: not working

  • Feb 10, 2025, 10:37 AM

    A user from United Kingdom reported a problem with Word Trip: login

  • Feb 05, 2025, 12:24 PM

    A user from United States reported a problem with Word Trip: not working

  • Dec 02, 2024, 02:05 AM

    A user from Canada reported a problem with Word Trip: not working

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Game Excerpt

Is Word Trip safe?
Yes Word Trip is Safe according to Google Safe Browsing
Word Trip, Is Word Trip game Down? Is Word Trip Down?
Game description
WordTrip - Fun and addicting search and connect word puzzles to train your brain! We combined the classic word scrabble game with WordTrip, re-imagined to give you the best entertainment, all the while challenging you to a great brain exercise. WordTrip is first of its kind word puzzle game stitched together with a cross-country travel theme...