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Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Homescapes .
If you're having problems with Homescapes too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Homescapes and solve the Homescapes not working issue:
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by Ella De Winter 1 year ago
When you fail a level, it often means you're "losing" some stuff (for instance with the above the clouds events). To tell you that, if you choose to fail the leven instead of paying 900 coins to continue, you will lose this stuff Austin has like a cloud-thought hanging above his head. Since the latest update this cloud hangs above the little cross I have to click on to fail the level, and due to the cloud being there I can't get out of the level. It is super frustrating because I am at level 3500ish and the game has never bugged like this before.
by Julia 1 year ago
Not working
by Karisa 2 years ago
My new winter adventure will not allow me to proceed. It is stuck on the first task, find the statue, and I have completed way more past that point. I have uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times now. Please help.
by keeps loading 2 years ago
keeps loading ..
by Mel Lamb 2 years ago
Unable to start app for last 3 days. Initial screen opens and just hangs there, saying loading... Have reinstalled app 4 times. Followed all trouble shooting advice online. Nothing works. Please provide an update and advice.
by Suzanne 2 years ago
Won't load
by Giuseppina Macarri 2 years ago
Game not loading. Afraid to uninstall as i don't know my ID