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88.89% Contact Match
81.25% Contact Match
Screen unresponsive on iPad. Come back after numerous taps
Since I upgraded my app the amount of words I have to solve ranges from 13 to 20. This does not seem to have happened with all my team members. This is frustrating and unfair during tournaments. Why has this happened. My team leader has emailed you but has not had a reply from you.
My screen turned black. Nothing else wrong with IPad.
My screen turned black. Nothing else wrong with IPad.
It is frozen where the dots are taking you to the nextstep
Will not exit after ad. Even after turning off I pad
Hi I payed a one off payment off £5.99 for no ads. But I’m still getting them. Thank you. Noreen Linton
Word connect does not open. I tried deleting and reinstalling but the problem still persists.
Hints on Word Connect not working
I cant enter team
Not working after current update
My word connect won’t work, have had this problem for over a week. Been playing this game on my I-pad for a few years. When the Word Connect first begins all I get is the name with little lights flashing. Then I get the sample screen and won’t continue pass that. I certainly hope I didn’t lose all my points! I opened the app on my I-phone and works just fine, but I have to start on level one! All my other game apps are working fine.
It has been stuck on the same screen all day. Help
How to exit the game. Nothing to clock on! Have to reboot to get out!!
Typing in letter and they are not appearing on screen. I have restarted my phone already.
Says my payment was processed but I still haven't gotten anything
Won't issue points. Says Loading Video....Please try again later. I can hit continue and play another group of words, but I never get the points.
Can't collect rewards
screen blacks out in the middle of a game and goes back to home page
The strawberry shortcake ad in word connect does not open and it will not exit. Can someone either fix or remove this ad?
Just getting blank screen
On word connect I'm stuck on level 4492 and click on it but nothing...I can't go to next level. I believe there are a total of 5000!!!