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Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Pull the Pin .
If you're having problems with Pull the Pin too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Pull the Pin and solve the Pull the Pin not working issue:
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by Rob 10 months ago
Game freezes when loading
by Pinelope 1 year ago
When I reach the the very end of the boss level - the pin will not pull and the FAILED emoji pops up even though it wouldn’t allow me to pull the pin - what’s wrong? Is there a time limit I’ve missed - or a limit to the number of pins pulled?
by Marlene Sharp 1 year ago
The game has frozen,I cannot move any pins,,,what should I do?
by 2 years ago
The game was freezing. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it again. Since then I'm back to level 1. What can be done?
by 2 years ago
Reinstalled the game and now I'm back to level one. What should I do?
by P Bayer 2 years ago
Level 3099 - all of the kernels always end up in the bucket but it only registers 89-92%. I have played this level over 15 times and never beats 92%.
by P Bayer 2 years ago
Level 3099 only dumps 89-92% into the bucket. None is lost, none drop out so I don’t know where the missing kernels are. How do I bypass this level? I have played it well over 10 times and there is still less than 100%. Thanks!
by Deanna 2 years ago
Even after restarting the app and my phone levels instantly fail before I get a chance to pull a pin. It’s like balls are hopping around in the cup to start
by Amy 2 years ago
My game started repeating failed retry screen, didn't stop when I restarted the app so I uninstalled and reinstalled and it took me back to level 1.. it wiped my entire progress