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If you're having problems with My Home too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg My Home and solve the My Home not working issue:
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by jsksjs 1 year ago
connecting older account to new phone through Facebook not working
by Denise Brown 2 years ago
Freezing in the middle of the game.
by Emma Torp 2 years ago
My home will work for a bit and then crash for me during the middle of the game.
by Lucy 2 years ago
Can't find where to download
by Lourdes Ruiz 2 years ago
Rooms won’t load they just say downloading resources and when I play a level it’s very slow and then crashes
by Barb 2 years ago
I’ve decorated all available rooms, there are no more rooms to decorate….it’s been saying “more rooms are coming soon” for approximately a month now!
by MICHIKO Mosbe 2 years ago
After a longer than normal housecleaning process at the start of the game, I can make a couple of plays, then the entire game freezes. Everything just stops. Nothing I hit on my iPhone with iOS16 works. I have exited and ended the game multiple times only to observe the same behavior repeatedly. Now instead of enjoying the game, it’s become a nuisance because of the frequent quick constant freezing. It forces me to leave the game and launch something else. Please advise.