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Level 15 on Main island and it froze 2 days ago. Have switched phone off and off several times. Uninstalled app Forced stop And still frozen. When I un installed I had to start again. It was fine but when I un installed a second time I was back on level 15 but still frozen.
I am on level 8 but the screen is frozen and wont let me do anything. I have closed and even deleted the app and reinstalled and still cannot play the game
As many have stated, got to level 8 game froze on the main island, can’t click on anything, can’t open anything. Zero response so what now.. uninstall and reinstall to lose everything. Fix your game or simply get rid of it. I hardly play games but it was one enjoyed it
Game loads and then straight away freezes. I have forced stop, cleared cache and restarted my phone, which has great Internet connection. Screen is still frozen
When loading storylands for the first time, it get’s stuck on the tutorial part where it says to complete the tutorial first.
Ruby bank doesnt fill up.
I have spent all day on this! I talked to multiple computer generated ( they have to be since they didn’t hear me ask them to call). I CANNOT go in my game to put a ticket in as you suggested since I CANT get into my game which is the problem. The $1 fee which is crazy it tried to take $55 from my card which I called them and they declined it! Now I can’t give you the insane $1. My problem besides above is it’s frozen for weeks. Updates don’t help, force closing, power down game cleared cache etc so please don’t respond with those fixes! I would like to get a phone call from an actual person 615-410-0531!! Surely you have actual employees that can provide service in these situations when I’ve tried the computer generated “helpers”. All day trying to get to a person and being charged $55 instead of $1 is a fraud situation which is why my bank won’t pay you the $1! Please help your customers. The game is great when it works or I wouldn’t be losing my mind trying to fix it. I’ve already sent a picture in an email. Wait for updates so I did. Update doesn’t help. You guys are “experts “ so I know you should be able to fix it! Sorry for being so angry but after weeks of trying to find an intelligent person I’m done!
Game frozen for weeks update doesn’t help. I was talking to someone who said it would cost $1. My credit card was bill$55.00. Ridiculous! Then I couldn’t get back into chat until I paid more. I expect to get my $55 BACK!
The game loads to 92% then nothing. I do not want to un-re-install for fear of losing my progress, again.
The game froze yesterday. And won’t open now.
Game gets to 90% and stops loading
Gets to level 7 then freezes in Unicorn Island
Game not loading.
I can't use the watch video, keeps saying problems, try again. I'm not having any problems with the rest of my Internet. Please could you sort this, it's spoiling my game
My game loads to 93 percent then shuts off. I'm scared to uninstall and reinstall. Don't want to lose my progress
Loads to 31% and is stuck there. It's been that way for over 2 hours.
The game is frozen. Will load and open, but is frozen on the main island. Can’t even open settings
Game won't go to second island. Have to Uninstaller and reinstall to go to main island
Game stops loading at 83%. Cleared cache, reinstalled, forced stop. It wont load on either device
Can go to all areas except the tropical island. That one will only load to 90% then freeze. Have to uninstall and restore to continue.
It’s been a week & glitch not fixed. Much like other comments, game froze returning to home island & now will not load - stops at 88%.
Same as all other complaints in last 5 days. Originally crashed returning to home island. Now won’t load past 88%. It’s been 5 days.
Game will not load past 88%
Can load game but if I try to travel back to home island completely crashes and if I try to to turn off wont load anything
Whilst it will load paradise cove and mystic isle storylands and event island if i try to go to home island it sticks at 96% and if I close and reopen it sticks at 80%
Game won’t load past 88%
The game has an update box in the middle of it and wil not update so now I can't play
App won’t load past 88%
Game is frozen on the Get 💎 From Filling The Ruby Bank pop up.
won’t load past 88% for the last 8 hours - very frustrating
EverMerge won’t load past 88%
Ever time I try to open the app it won’t load :(
stuck on 97%
the game wont load past 97%
My game won't load past 95%
The game won't load past 95%. I noticed earlier, late afternoon, you couldn't play ads. But, since early evening, I've been unable to load the game at all. It seems many people are reporting the same issues.
Game won’t load past 97% and I’ve tried all the advised fixes. I’m seeing numerous posts of others having the same issue and it’s obvious the makers of the game have no intention of fixing. I’m so regretting that I downloaded this game and I’ll never download anything by Bug Fish again
Mystic isle has froze after collecting jewel.
Game will not load. Just keeps saying evermerge has stopped.i have tried everything.this all started when I updated my game.can u help.
I cant open my game
In the mystic isle the game freezes after i collect my jewel
Game is loading up to 97% and then stops. Have tried all tips provided online, tried reboot the app and nothing works. Then deleted app and reinstalled it. Game was working until I selected to go to another world and the issue was back again. Have repeated it 3 times and every time game starts at the same stage it was before issue appeared. All progress I made whilst reinstalled the app was gone. So frustrating, when it will be fixed? This lasts since Friday evening.
Game is loading up to 97% and sticks. It’s been 24 hours now since the issue appeared. Please fix it ASAP.
Game won't load past "Big Fish" blue screen. Keeps crashing.
EverMerge won’t open it loads to 97% and just stays there.
Game don't load, it's stopping at 93%
game freezes on load at 93% Been doing this for about a day.
My game is freezing at 93%.
Won’t open, crashes
Since restarting the game for a second time, new items are not appearing on game board. After restarting a third time, nearly all times are invisible. I tried clearing the cache first, which did nothing to help. Then, I tried clearing both cache and data and finally reinstalling, but still nothing. In addition to the items,most of the game titles are now missing as well (the onscreen links for energy, toolbox, etc). Please help.
Update freezes at 91%
It’s stuck on 91% while loading the game.
Loading bar stuck at 91%. Tried all the regular tips and tricks :(
Loading bar goes up to 89% then freezes. I don't have an account and wanted to sign up so that I could save my progress but I can't do that because it won't load into the app. I've tried everything except uninstalling the app because if I do that I'm guaranteed to lose all progressive and all my in app purchases would be for nothing.
For the last week the game will only load to 89% and will not continue. I Hester tried everything but uninstall and reload. I am afraid it will lose my progress. If this continues much longer, I will uninstall and not have it continue to take up space on my device.
Loading bar stuck at 91%. Tried all the regular tips and tricks :(
Crashes at 97% loading. Just like everyone else said.
Game loads to 91% and refuses to go further. Get it together!
Game won't fully loaded been stuck at 89%load for days updated everything I can I'm scared to delete game in fear of loosing progress
I update evermerge3 but not working
Cannot get past the new screen with a tinkerbell? Bottle. I can't move anything but the bottle and it won't go away.
Game keeps freezing. Tried to close, force stop, and restart my phone. My tablet and phone both keep freezing in the same spot, so I think my account is frozen. Game will have some captions, then gives an option for merge pass. Then freezes. It is stuck with the arrow pointing to the button to open merge pass, but will not let me click anywhere to get past this.
It loads garden items but unable to see anything else on screen. I have cleared all cache and also uninstalled and reinstalled and still does the same thing.
EverMerge won’t update even when asking for me to do it. I try to update and it just keeps rolloing.
My game loads ,opens creature island, then crashes when I touch an item or it just crashes after it opens.
day 5 - game still doesn't open, it just goes back to home screen.
Freezing and closing for abt week. Now game won't restart.
Try to open app then goes back to home page
Game will not load
Evermerge will not load. Today is day 4.
Recent player, got to level 11, the game crashed and refused to start again. I uninstalled, lost everything when I re-installed. No biggie. I was only level 11. Got to level 9 in about two days. Game crashes won't restart.... i don't want to keep playing the same 10 levels all the time
Game of course freezes multiple times but this time will not reopen
Game was freezing, able to restart but several moves back. Now for 3 days it will not load at all.
I have a new iPhone 11 and can’t install evermerge. I have an existing game and want to retrieve it
Hi, Yesterday I got a potion bottle for the first time and since then it is the only thing I can move on the screen. Even the screen cannot be moved. I restarted my phone twice, I offloaded and reloaded the app but the screen is just the same as when it froze. Thank you!
EverMerge gets to 97% then goes back to main screen
Gets up to 97% than crashes
Attempt to open game,gets to 97percent then crashes.will.not let me play
Wont load past 33% for the last 36 hours
Can't play. Not working, crashes immediately.
Can’t log on.......crashes
A user from Netherlands reported a problem with EverMerge: login
A user from Russia reported a problem with EverMerge: not working
A user from Germany reported a problem with EverMerge: server connection