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Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Mergical .
If you're having problems with Mergical too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Mergical and solve the Mergical not working issue:
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by Carol 1 year ago
Since this morning, Monday 11/20/2023, when I start the game, it loads, then it gives me the daily reward screen to choose the prize or watch a video to double the prize. Before I can choose the video, the screen for purchasing the gold pass pops up, the game crashes and kicks me out. I have tried to get in the game to get my daily rewards three different times today on three different networks and it has been the same each time. I took the app off my screen (I did not uninstall it because I don’t want to loose my work) and I have closed the app and turned off the iPad and the game is still responding the same. Please help! Thank you so much.
by Sharon Mahler 1 year ago
. Please help me I got a new iPad transferred my games and miracles did not come up. I had to start it. Not knowing I lost everything I am very sad about this. I've been playing for a long time and gems I had really came along way in it. They said that it was in iCloud is it still there and I just don't know how to get it or can you tell me what I can do? I want my game back I really really do I play these games because I'm in a lot of pain and when I'm playing these games I don't think about my pain because I want to win get ahead of whatever that it takes to keep going in the game. Please help me
by Anne 1 year ago
New update and I can’t play. Bring me into new world with the cupcake. Screen is frozen. Can’t get Bk to the other world
by Emily Tena 1 year ago
It won’t let play the normal version. The new version sucks
by Jorgelina Pacheco 1 year ago
I can't get in the deep sea realm. It just appears like it's charging but never starts. Just stays at the mergical screen.
by Jennifer Leshure 2 years ago
The game will not open I tried uninstalling and reinstalling with no resolution of the problem. with the unfortunate feeling that I have.just.lost everything I've done and paid for.
by Meta Stoffels 2 years ago
Hallo after the update yesterday I have a Grey screen,what can I do?
by Clare 2 years ago
Error on one of my houses and players have been asleep for days now
by Maggie 2 years ago
I want to download mergucal island, but every time I do, I get the house, not island.