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Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Ensemble Stars Music .
If you're having problems with Ensemble Stars Music too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Ensemble Stars Music and solve the Ensemble Stars Music not working issue:
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by Araea 1 year ago
I can't log into my account connected to my Twitter. I always get Login Failed screen
by Ikurah 1 year ago
Whenever I log in it's going back home screen what should I do?
by Ina 2 years ago
I keep playing the game but the audio doesnt come up.I restarted my lhone,updates the app and even leave and join the app again.The audio just couldnt come up.I use apple so like im un experienced with these things
by Aloonaxy 2 years ago
When I want to log in there is no picture, even the characters are only black Is this safe mode? How to disable it?
by Jes 2 years ago
When I try to play a live in 3d the music plays but the screen is black and same with mv a black screen music playing.?
by 6872784075 2 years ago
The gameplay glitched and took all of my event passes, then when I used one scout ticket on Tsumugi, it also glitched and took that!! Please fix this!!