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100% Contact Match
So many crashes while app starts and ads crash all day since yesterday morning. 2 days of being in unable to play normally. Please assist this issue thank you so much.
I’m getting an “App not active” message and it won’t open
When I watch adds I don’t get the boost bonus or the 2 atlas bucks
Facebook is not allowing me to sign in to Atlas Earth. My spouse is have the same problem.
Videos aren't working for the boost or for the Atlas bucks
Some tutorial bubble popped up while looking at the leaderboard and now none of the buttons on the screen work, can only zoom in and out on map.
Cannot connect to servers in App.
Ads are NOT loading at all... I play this game completely supported by the ads and for the past few days, I have NOT been able to get my ad boosts or get my free Atlas Bucks due to this issue.
It won't load it let's me log in then loads to 98 % and ever time I try I have to log in again
I can't use the rent boost, or watch the video for the 2 atlas bucks, nor can I spin the bonus wheel.
Can't load. Says to check internet connection
This has become more and more frequent and frustrating... Game simply will not load past the loading screen. Unable to open the Shop by clicking on the Shop tab. Ads do not refresh or simply do not load or appear (even when ready for the next boost/wheel spin.
It keeps telling me to sign in, but when I do, the loading bard will either freeze or it will tell me there is not internet connect, when in fact there is. What gives?
App will not open. Has been almost a day. I got notifications that my rent boost ended and to soon the wheel but could not even open the app to boost again or spin since yesterday.
As soon as I made a $5 purchase and tried to "buy land" with it I received an error message. So I exited the game and restarted and now it says there's a problem with my internet connection when I know it's not. I even restarted my phone and get the same message.
Not able to log into my account
Try to open the app on my iPhone and just crashes almost immediately.
Not allowing me to log in
Cannot connect to the server with a working internet connection.
Ads take 2-6 minutes to load. Ads are the only thing that allow you to play the game so without them it is unplayable.
Ads not giving boost
Cannot login, game logged me out and now says my email is incorrect
Will not allow me to log in
Every time it gets to 100% loaded it gives me an internet error
Can't buy land, says closeinitiated connection issues etc
Will not load beyond 0%. Cleared cache, checked for update, uninstalled and reinstalled, reset phone, still nothing.
My username is 100_PROOF in the game ... I logged in using Facebook and email address associated with Facebook. No matter what I do, I cannot get back into my Atlas Earth account. I have tried everything that tech support has sent me emails to do. I even tried installing it on my tablet, which I have NEVER installed Atlas Earth OR Facebook on to see if it was some sort of cache or setting problem in my phone and that isn't the issue, since it gives me the exact same problem trying to log in through my tablet, which is freshly new. All I get is "Authentication Failed" ... It's approved in my facebook for 3rd party accounts .. I've uninstalled and reinstalled numerous times ... I've shut down my phone numerous times ... I've logged out of everything numerous times ... I've cleared my cache numerous times ... I have nothing else to try. Can we move my account to a different email address and I'll just log in using Google???? There HAS to be a way to resolve this so I can get back in it! Christie' 605-389-5122
I recently got a new phone and when I transferred all my apps to the new phone I went to open my atlas earth app and all I get is “can’t connect to servers check internet connection” error please help me fix this problem
Not logging into servers
cannot log on keeps saying i have no internet connection even though i do
Since update have had sloooow loading, hanging up when loading and freezing when trying to watch an ad. Doesn’t seem to matter whether I’m using WiFi or data. Very frustrating! Am leaving the country for 24 days and had planned to purchase land and passport badges during my trip. Please do your best to fix. Don’t want to miss my opportunity to purchase land and badges from places I may never visit again. Thanks
Trying to buy land and I get an error saying. not in connected state - current state closeinitiated
It gets to the "Incoming Transmission" screen but only loads to black screen when I click ready
Since scheduled maintenance I keep getting the message "Can't connect to servers, please check your internet." I have tried on a strong wi-fi, phone data, clearing cache, uninstalling and reinstalling. Nothing is working.
Will not load on tablet but loads just fine on phone (both android). I have cleared data and cache, reinstalled and restarted.
Won’t let me open the shop
app atlas earth wont load stuck on 0%
I've been trying to log into the game for the past couple of days and everytime I do it says I've been logged out for security reasons. So I click my email to log in and then it says that I don't have connection when I do.
Sits on load screen stays at 0% then says no network connection, but all other games load fine just not atlas earth
When I try to get on it says no connection
I’m getting authentication error: log in failed. I have not been able to log into my account for the last couple of months. I restarted the app, I have deleted it and reinstalled it also.
A user from United States reported a problem with Atlas Earth: server connection
A user from France reported a problem with Atlas Earth: login
A user from Germany reported a problem with Atlas Earth: not working
A user from United Kingdom reported a problem with Atlas Earth: login