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Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Age of Apes .
If you're having problems with Age of Apes too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Age of Apes and solve the Age of Apes not working issue:
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0% Contact Match
by Popopo 1 year ago
Game down from 2 dayz
by David Rider 1 year ago
the mouse clicks don't work. And can't move around screen. Or in the Subway...can't click workers and move them
by Hunter 1 year ago
Can't login with an hr before planet raids. I'm on android. Have restarted, updated, cleared cache
by Eric Uchimura 1 year ago
I can't login. I tried restarting didn't work. I uninstalled and reinstalled it worked once. Now can't get back in. Once war starts if i get zeroed i will quit.
by Emil 1 year ago
Nie łączy się z siecią
by Coley Gott 2 years ago
I have bought several things and have not received the rewards. I know because when you buy things the rewards pop up on the screen and go into you items, etc. and neither happened. Customer service has been giving me the run around for 2 weeks trying everything to get out of paying me back in either rewards or dollars. Now they are asking for receipts that I sent them 2 weeks ago and have now been deleted form email trash can which they would have had they not closed this very important ticket with no resolution with me being offline for 1 day! It takes them a full day to respond! They are absolutely giving me the runaround and are robbing me! What do I need to do?? I have done everything I can do! How do I report this?
by TCDTRTTCD 2 years ago
Oyun içi yardımcı programlar kullanan mvp li oyuncular var bunları nasıl şikayet edebilirim