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by Pat 11 months ago
Crossword puzzle last word froze unable to exit puzzle..unable to play unless I delete and restart over
by Fred Nicholson 1 year ago
got to the point in a word puzzle where I paid for "tap a tile to reveal the letter" and it doesn't respond. Tapping on a tile doesn't work and I can't get out of that screen, even if I start the game over.
by Fred Nicholson 1 year ago
got to the point in a word puzzle where I paid for "tap a tile to reveal the letter" and it doesn't respond. Tapping on a tile doesn't work and I can't get out of that screen, even if I start the game over.
by Gail 1 year ago
On puzzle 1888, the last word to fill in is "blaze" which my hint helpers filled in for me. However the word blaze is already filled in on the puzzle in a different spot. I have tried filling in the word blaze but it won't let me. How do I skip this puzzle without uninstalling the game? Please help, I love this game!
by Penni 1 year ago
Game is stuck on a black screen. Cannot play the game.
by Joanne 1 year ago
A glitch where parts of the picture are wrong I.e a part of wall in the pond. All in the green house and the area outside
by Amy baker 2 years ago
Keeps freezing on me. Also why does it take so long to get more things to design?
by Beryl Green 2 years ago
It has stuck
by K.Wright 2 years ago
It’s not applying extra words that I find not in the puzzle.
by Lou 2 years ago
Once you get to a certain level/the orchard, the game stops working. The word puzzle screen doesn’t load; it’s obviously broken. Glad I didn’t pay for it.