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Our users reports indicate that there are no current problems with The Impossible Game 2 .
If you're having problems with The Impossible Game 2 too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg The Impossible Game 2 and solve the The Impossible Game 2 not working issue:
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by Fedya 2 years ago
On emulators only in this game sound have delay about 500 milliseconds, option "headphone delay" doesn't help me On my phone it isn't lagging, but I want to play on PC, so if you know, how to solve the problem, please, help me
by Fedya 2 years ago
"Boosters" button disappeared, so i can't use boosters, and menu button became invisible, visible is only text (it's white), but i can tap on the menu button