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68.97% Contact Match
85.71% Contact Match
Loading into starting round of secret neighbor not working. It continues to load the white bar to halfway then it stops but the clock is still turning in a circle in the top right corner showing that the game is not froze . This isn't affecting only me. In voice chat other gamers were also inquiring whether other players were having the same issue.
Când întru pe el și vreau sami schimb caracterul și dau play îmi da crash
Error 22. My problem
Secret neighbor not working since last night! Must be an outage on their part. Please fix asap!!
Just bought this game for me and for my GF to play this evening, error 22 on both ends....
Just bought this for my son reason 22 not fair!
Hi, Getting this error while playing on nintendo switch - You are disconnected from the network.Reason 22 problem. How to fix it?
Reason 22 Nintendo switch console Started this morning Please fix!
Server still down. How does that even happen from your end
Hi, I’m having a Reason 22 problem. I tried reinstalling the app,I restarted my iPad, my internet works perfectly fine, I also followed your instructions but, none of them worked. It seems that the app is having a problem.Please help fix this problem.
Reason 22 . Fix it please
Reason: 22, Auth error
Reason 22, whenever I try reloading it keeps on saying reason 22 although my internet is fine.
Trying to play on the switch but says disconnected from network reason:22 but my network is working just fine
“Disconnected from network: Reason 22” Always shows up when trying to log in
Reason: 22. I hate that guy.
Reason: 22. I hate that guy.
Reason 22
Menu won’t continue by pressing a needs to be fix.. it will stop working and starts to work plz fix that bug
I play the game secret neighbor on PC but I haven't been able to play it for 2 or 3 months and every time I open the game it gives reason error I don't know what to do please help
Literally when you press A to continue to the actual game, I press A, nothing happens, it’s been like this for 3 days, and it’s annoying
Sever randomly auto logging me out of the game, with a "disconnected from network error" and sometimes an "authentication failed" error.
Saying its not connecting cause of "reason 22"
A user from Germany reported a problem with Secret Neighbor: login
A user from Russia reported a problem with Secret Neighbor: game play
A user from Argentina reported a problem with Secret Neighbor: not working
A user from India reported a problem with Secret Neighbor: server connection