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Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Path to Nowhere .
If you're having problems with Path to Nowhere too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Path to Nowhere and solve the Path to Nowhere not working issue:
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by Twitter acc Linked 1 year ago
I’ve been using Twitter/X to login to my PTN acc since I started this game and for some reason there’s an error/it won’t allow me to play on my account(this isn’t the 1st time this has happened) I also have monthly login pass purchased on my account(this issue is disabling me from collecting my 100 gems daily pickup). I really hope Aisno gives players compensation/resolution for this issue in future
by Austin 1 year ago
App is closing out aftet I open. I have restarted my phone, uninstalled and reinstalled the app, uninstalled reinstalled and restarted my phone. Game keeps closing out.
by Inte 1 year ago
The app suddenly just started closing itself right after attempting to open it . It loads to Ainos or the initial picture of Zoyas face, then minimizes itself, and simply won't/repeats this. I've done all the usual things, swept caches, etc, but nothing worked so far. I was just playing a couple hours ago, as well, finally made level player level 76, and my third healer to phase 3.
by Adeja 2 years ago
I tried playing this on blue stacks which is an emulator and when I went to do the missions it would freeze when it got to 84 percent. I tried closing the app and restarting it, but it did not work. After that I tried deleting and reinstalling it which made work for one mission then it was back to the same thing.
by orthe 2 years ago
i cannot hear the voices when im sure i have voice installed. i deleted the app because i thought i lost mt account but i logged back in and my account is fine other than that. How do i restore voices?