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Игра прогружается до 75% и вылетает
Игра прогружается до 75% и вылетает
Game starts to load on pc but stops at 15% and keeps retrying. Verified files on Epic. Did the usual restart on pc and router. No luck. Played fine this morning.
Everytime I load into my account it laggs alot than end up crashing i don't know how to fix it .Any suggestions?
The game seems to be frozen. I cannot move or interact with any buttons.
The game keeps closing on me. Might happen once a day or ten times in a hour.
I need to kill zombies to move on to the next level but there are no zombies to kill, makes no sense.
When I first time download game working after clicking the doomsday last Survivor survey game crushing everytime.
The game crashes on my tab
In game lobby shows black screen display after the tutorial game.
alliance icons nor anything loads other than background it will just let you farm
All menus crashed as soon as iland raid started now I carnt access anything
Hello I can't install the game
A user from Russia reported a problem with Doomsday: not working
A user from Ukraine reported a problem with Doomsday: not working
A user from France reported a problem with Doomsday: not working