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Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Blade&Soul Revolution .
If you're having problems with Blade&Soul Revolution too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Blade&Soul Revolution and solve the Blade&Soul Revolution not working issue:
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by Cyephire 1 year ago
When entering gameplay the game crashes anything before that runs at 100%. Tried on my iPhone os 15.7.8 and iPad os 16 same problem. Not a network problem nor memory an storage either made sure of it because I tried other mobile rpg an other games an they work fine. But devices are above os 11 so should be above requirements.
by LanceTzy 1 year ago
It keeps crashing on iOS
by Ark castillon 1 year ago
Blade and soul revolution keeps on exiting on iphone XR when already in game