Is Are You Smarter Than A Child?? Down?

This quiz game will test your general knowledge and find out if you are smarter than a 5th grader. The game contains 120 different grades each containing 10 questions

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Game Excerpt

Are You Smarter Than A Child??, Is Are You Smarter Than A Child?? game Down? Is Are You Smarter Than A Child?? Down?
Game description
This quiz game will test your general knowledge and find out if you are smarter than a 5th grader. The game contains 120 different grades each containing 10 questions. To unlock the next grade you must score at least 6/10 in the test. Do you like testing your brain and assessing your IQ? If so, then this general knowledge test is the app for you. Prove you are not stupid, dumb or a moron by taking this test. There are a number of different quizzes to unlock of varying difficulty. Can you answer all the general knowledge questions? What are you waiting for? Find out how smart you are today and prove you are smarter than a 5th grader!

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