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Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with The Tower .
If you're having problems with The Tower too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg The Tower and solve the The Tower not working issue:
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by Jbjj 1 year ago
Two thirds the time (approximately) loading user profiles just won't load, and the leaderboard aren't working, with people whose highest wave is in copper showing up in second.
by Murad 1 year ago
Hello! I am having a issue that is very confusing for me. Everytime i get into game with my WI-FI on it just works for a couple of seconds then instantly starts lagging every second until it completely stops. ( 0 FPS ). But the problem stops when i turn my WI-FI off, it just works completely fine. I tried to search for problems in google but i couldn't find the exact solution. i really like the game. I'm very addicted to the game, but i just need my wi-fi for the ads and things. Thanks in advance! Here's my gmail:
by Antoni 2 years ago
After last update click on ,,ads,, make game reset
by Luke 2 years ago
Game works outside of my house, not in my house