Are you having issues? Provide feedback to Prison Empire Tycoon-Idle Game by selecting the option you are having issues with.
Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Prison Empire Tycoon-Idle Game .
If you're having problems with Prison Empire Tycoon-Idle Game too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Prison Empire Tycoon-Idle Game and solve the Prison Empire Tycoon-Idle Game not working issue:
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76.92% Contact Match
by n/a 1 year ago
the game won’t load. everytime i go to open the game, it just stays on the loading screen and it’s not making any progress.
by J 2 years ago
App opens showing objective achieved and cannot click anywhere but the claim button. Which gives a connection error and an accept button. It’s an endless cycle to click the buttons because they only lead back to each other.
by Andrew Foster 2 years ago
The screen is stuck while I was receiving diamonds for a completed mission and now when I click to claim it says connection problem and it won’t let me leave the claim diamonds screen without tapping the claim option but the No connection keeps repeating itself. I’ve tried to uninstall the app and change the network settings but it still happens.