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97.14% Contact Match
97.14% Contact Match
New pv2 update installed, 3/23/2023. All game levels as well as ads continually crashing. Tried reinstalling app, resetting iPad, etc.
the game plays for a few minutes then crashes, i tried clearing data and cash, also uninstall and reinstall nothing is helping.
the game plays for a few minutes then crashes, i tried clearing data and cash, also uninstall and reinstall nothing is helping.
The game crashes mid play if I even get that far. This is happening just since the latest update.
I deleated the app. Because it kept crashing. Now when I choose my identity it crashes. I did it 100 times by now. I use Android, Samsung Flip4. Thanks,
I load the game, it keeps switching out of the game so I have to cycle back to the window to play it.
A user from Russia reported a problem with Plants vs. Zombies: server connection
A user from France reported a problem with Plants vs. Zombies: not working
A user from Belarus reported a problem with Plants vs. Zombies: login