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Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Horse Riding Tales .
If you're having problems with Horse Riding Tales too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Horse Riding Tales and solve the Horse Riding Tales not working issue:
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by Darling Sky3258 1 year ago
When I open the game, it stop on loading catalog, i waited about 10 minutes and it doesn't work. I don't know if because you are doing a new update or no because I updated the game and it still stop at loading catalog, i hope you tell me if it's from my phone or you just stopped the game for an update. Thank you.
by Dianca 1 year ago
It doesnt work. It said i must go into foxie game resolve. Please help
by hazel sassy 1 year ago
لقد واجهت مشكله قد تم حضر حسابي بسبب كلج حصل وانا اعتقدت انه تحديث هل يمكن اعادة حسابي؟
by Eden 2 years ago
It keeps Crashing when I log on!
by Idk 2 years ago
I had an account on another device but accidentally deleted it I didn’t notice until I went to go download it on my current device i don’t remember my user name but I might remember my password I had bought a lot of stuff on it so I want to get the account back
by Idk 2 years ago
I had an account on another device but accidentally deleted it I didn’t notice until I went to go download it on my current device i don’t remember my user name but I might remember my password I had bought a lot of stuff on it so I want to get the account back
by Idk 2 years ago
I had an account on another device but accidentally deleted it I didn’t notice until I went to go download it on my current device i don’t remember my user name but I might remember my password I had bought a lot of stuff on it so I want to get the account back