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Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Bejeweled Classic .
If you're having problems with Bejeweled Classic too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Bejeweled Classic and solve the Bejeweled Classic not working issue:
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by Jgig 11 months ago
Keeps crashing
by Susan 1 year ago
Install Bejewel Classic today. Provided birthdate and name as requested. Game won't proceed beyond that point
by Seamus 1 year ago
Paid version. Crashes at various places when opening the game. Sometimes it gets to the game and crashes in 1st or 2nd mode. I turn off my iPhone 6S+ completely & this works 7/10 x’s. Then game keeps playing on its own as time is running out so I can’t make 1 or 2 simple moves to finish. This happens 5/10 x’s. But the game playing by itself has become pretty normal. It all started in July 2023 after a new iOS update & when I accidentally deleted BC instead of a different app as I was not focusing. My bad. So I went to App Store and downloaded the game again. I lost all my yrs of stats by stupidly deleting it. Since then the game is no longer fun. It crashes, it speeds up so you can’t play, it doesn’t load at startup, or it just goes rampantly playing on its own. So? Would buying a new BC game work? Or is it just incompatible with the newer iOS?
by Chrissie 1 year ago
Bejewelled plays fine on my iPhone 2020SE but on my iPad 9th generation first it crashed after a few moves now it won’t even open into the chosen game. Tried all the games but they won’t open
by Annabelle 1 year ago
My account is totally reset! All my progress is gone! I don’t think I’ll ever play it again if I have to restart everything… I was literally opening it to buy no ads sooo plz help
by Alex 1 year ago
The game is not taking the entire iPhone screen. It’s like a miniature version with a lot of dead space.
by Guy 1 year ago
The screen display is messed up. It’s like a split screen
by Mike P 1 year ago
Game freezes/pauses on both iPad and iPhone. Often hangs for several seconds many times during the game. Started last week or so.
by sls 1 year ago
Bejewel classic keeps starting over. Whenever I get high in the points and levels it simply goes to the beginning screen where I have to put in another name. I have deleted the app several times and reinstalled it. I have tried to restore my iPad and anything else I could think of. This has repeatedly occurred since 2012. I’m frustrated and get no help when I ask about it. I’m on my 5th iPad and it has happened on all of them so it’s not an apple issue.
by Amanda Adams 2 years ago
I've used this app for more years than any other game. I specifically purchased *Remove Ads, *Poker, *Butterflies and *Lightning so I would have unlimited plays. Come to think of it I can actually play everything unlimited. I just most frequently play butterflies poker and lightning. All that being said for no apparent reason that I can discern, my game abruptly reset itself. As in wiped all my stats, all progress and ALL OF MY PURCHASED ADD-ONS!! THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. I have had my profile and purchases installed on at least six different phones in the last 5/6 years... without fail transferring info has never wiped out everything. The version I have now is set up for brand new players. I need this fixed😭. I paid for the game. Having that gone is digital theft.
by Geary 2 years ago
While playing game freezes up for a few seconds