Are you having issues? Provide feedback to Adorable Home by selecting the option you are having issues with.
Our users reports indicate that there are no current problems with Adorable Home .
If you're having problems with Adorable Home too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Adorable Home and solve the Adorable Home not working issue:
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by Jentle sugar 2 years ago
Im having problem with adorable home game. I cant log in my account
by Eman Jal 2 years ago
It keeps on crashing when I try to play it
by abby 2 years ago
when i try to go to the settings it goes black and it the settings menu don’t show up. i waited for a long time and there is still a black screen. i found out that other people also had that happened to them and it’s been almost two weeks and the bug hasn’t been fixed. (i think)