Are you having issues? Provide feedback to Tales Of Grimm by selecting the option you are having issues with.
Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Tales of Grimm .
If you're having problems with Tales of Grimm too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Tales of Grimm and solve the Tales of Grimm not working issue:
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by Wonderdark 2 years ago
I was having some glitches with my account Wonderdark. It was bound to my Facebook account. I deleted the game and reinstalled it hoping to fix the issues. When I tried to connect to my Facebook account it just showed an empty account. How can I retrieve my main account?
by Zach 2 years ago
Network has been disconnected but I have internet connections
by Kiishanti 2 years ago
Game started all the way over! I spent too much money in this game
by Robert Holt 2 years ago
The game will not load
by Addy 2 years ago
The mail won't open, I can't receive my rewards
by Queen 2 years ago
Server S362 is having several connection issues please check it. Thanks
by David Walls 2 years ago
Game started back to the beginning