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Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Sunrise Village .
If you're having problems with Sunrise Village too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Sunrise Village and solve the Sunrise Village not working issue:
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by Kathy Pritchett 9 months ago
With the new location my game loads but I can't play and I can't go to other locations.
by Jessica 1 year ago
I cannot level up because in the second map you have to find flowers of fire. But there are no flowers to be find? I know also were they are suppose to be, but there are still no flowers of fire and I'm stuck in the game? Can someone help me?
by Jessica 1 year ago
I cannot level up because in the second map you have to find flowers of fire. But there are no flowers to be find? I know also were they are suppose to be, but there are still no flowers of fire and I'm stuck in the game? Can someone help me?
by Jules 2 years ago
Game keeps shutting down between islands, selecting the balloons, moving very slowly.
by Game crashes 2 years ago
Game crashes every time I travel between maps or in the middle of advertisements