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Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Shining Nikki .
If you're having problems with Shining Nikki too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Shining Nikki and solve the Shining Nikki not working issue:
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by Max 1 year ago
Can't log in using Google. Every time I tap login, then the email address, it takes me to the main loading screen and prompts me to login again. It loops.
by Etihw 1 year ago
I loaded Shining Nikki a couple seconds ago and the server I use called CLOUD is GONE which means my PROGRESS is GONE I have spent almost $500 in the last year or two!?! What am I supposed to do?!?!?!
by Layla 1 year ago
Game keeps saying I have "poor internet connection" when I can play other games just fine.
by katie 1 year ago
It continues to say server connection is “poor” although I have good internet and can play other apps and things. It gives me a five minute window from when I restart the app to do things but afterwards it won’t load anything at all.
by Einna 2 years ago
The game will let me login but it keeps loading on the homepage and I can't click any of the icons. Several of them won't load in fully either/Nikki won't load into the background.
by Katie 2 years ago
Keeps saying my internet connection is too slow and having server connection issues, even though my internet is fast enough to download new apps in under a minute, play tiktok videos, and load my twitter feed instantly. never had this problem before, and tried reinstalling, fixing, etc. to no avail. Been doing this since server restart yesterday. Won’t let me check network either.
by Xxzzlehyaaa 2 years ago
Well, I have been playing for more than 100 days now. I entered on Shining Nikki, and the game just restarted.. It asked for my name again and that stuff... I'm scared. How do I fix it??
by Moonpie 2 years ago
The AR mode is not currently working for me. The first one opens up the Google AR app on the Google store and that's it. And the second one the AR simulation simply shows the environment without scanning anything ( no green dots) which leaves me to assume the AI is not working, so Nikki never shows up. (Android user)
by Crow 2 years ago
Won't load no matter what
by mariaH 2 years ago