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Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Murder in Alps .
If you're having problems with Murder in Alps too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Murder in Alps and solve the Murder in Alps not working issue:
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by Shane 10 months ago
I've been having the same issue for over a month now ....and no one has responded.... I am getting Error message 5007 ....and then the game crashes and restarts.....there is no way to continue playing. ....BUT ....this only happens on a chapter in have already played but started over to find all the hidden objects..... I would love a PERSON to respond ...rather than the automated response I keep getting!!!!
by MaggPL 1 year ago
So basically I downloaded murder choice(a game that was made by the same developers) and if I would play murder in alps the safe (I can get rewards from playing and then emptying the safe) will fill up and I revive the reward in murder choice but the safe isn’t working! Like I can’t empty it. I don’t know why and I don’t know if there’s just a glitch!
by Alan 1 year ago
Chapter3, Gray Nature plays as far as girl in ward ,press stars but will go o further. Done all steps recommend??/
by Isabel saunders 1 year ago
In one hidden object scene, one object isn't being registered, it is one that you have to put together, I have put it together but it won't collect and when I press hint it points to the space that part of the object was before I put it together, even though there's nothing there anymore, every other part is working normally but I can't move on to the next part because of the one object. I have tried quitting th3 game, refreshing, turning my laptop off and on again, but nothing has worked, I'm not sure what to do
No puc posar el braç hidràulic per aixecar el cotxe a la casa de James Joyce
by . 2 years ago
hidden objects scene won’t load. i’ve deleted the app, quit and restarted, etc. and it’s continuously a black screen with the loading symbol.
by Richy 2 years ago
hidden object since in grey nature keeps crashing
by Mitchy 2 years ago
App won’t load, keeps crashing when trying to load. Unable to open for 2 days now