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I have an Iphone 12 pro running latest ios 16 . I'm used to an app offering to exit or shutdown , this app forces me to logout . even then sometimes it goes to blank white screen. if I reinstall app will I lose points earned?
Some games are not working properly and some games keep getting disconnected.
Vegas tales magnificent Jack has no balloons and bonus will not hit
It won’t let me use any of the machines and I paid for the thing on the top right so I have a limited time to use it I better get that time back
“This machine currently not available, try again later” I’ve tried restarting my phone, clearing cookies, none of the games are working.
My game has lost all my info, asking me to sign up for first time all my coins and rewards are gone!!!!
Keep getting “connection lost” message and game stops.
A user from United States reported a problem with MGM Slots Live: not working