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Our users reports indicate that there are no current problems with ChimeraLand .
If you're having problems with ChimeraLand too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg ChimeraLand and solve the ChimeraLand not working issue:
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100% Contact Match
by Imp 1 year ago
Hi, I have a character on the Dusty Plains server. I have always played it and had ni issues. My location is North America, my character name is Imp on the Dusty Plains Server. After an update, the server doesn't exist anymore, I ve spent hundreds of dollars in USD and much time building up my character and now it's all gone. I am in violation of nothing, I was a loyal customer and player and now My character cannot be found. My email is and is connected to my account. Please can someone email me with assistance and or give me a refund for all I've paid. I do have all email and receipts of pay through the Google account and store. Please help, I just want to play my game and have my character back even if it's transferred to another server. Thanks in advance for your help.
by Kartik 2 years ago
Leaving the automatically
by Aleph Tav 2 years ago
No server connection for several days, did the go bankrupt or something?
by Lisa Kern 2 years ago
it will not property and I cant get my server