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by Dado 1 year ago
My game get frozzes when start 14-3 level and when kill small bosses
by Lisa Williams 1 year ago
Hi. I recently spent 10K weapon points on the Epic Exclusive Weapon I box. But it never showed up in my inventory, but it definitely docked my weapon points I had been saving up. I'm trying to ascend Sarona's weapon and I need the item that I traded my points for, or at least give me my points back? User ID 11319609922
by Xaler 1 year ago
Game will not open
by Bruno (craca id 11133883905) 2 years ago
Hi, today i had my chances at the clover and, luckly i got a character weapon... But for some reason, the weapon come wrong, and for a 5 star hero that i dont have... my selected hero was Palmira, and is she since more than 1 month ago... but came a sword for Miranda. I really would like to see it fixed and receive the right weapon. Tks
by Nochtros - id: 11344380068 2 years ago
Hi! Im an everyday user since a year on COA. Some months ago we made a new alliance. After this I have constant issues with connection and it pisses me of. The following problems I have: - in the middle of the battle the screen is freezing, "connecting..." but the counter continues the counting. - When Im win, "connecting..." and then "parameter error" message, and I dont get the reward - In the middle of the battle the screen is freezing, and then game is quit. I lost my points, and if I used dragon whistle, I lost it too. - I try to summon with tears, "parameter error" message, and I lost my tear, but I dont get hero. It doesn't matter if I use wifi or 4G. I have never experienced anything like this before I change the alliance. I love this game and I dont wanna leave, but these issues are very frustrating for me. Please help somehow! Thanks, Adam
by erdal 2 years ago
on start after a few seconds stopes reponding!
by Maya 2 years ago
Why is Tower of Courage lvl 170 they hit you non stop with out you hit once? Even tho it Shows your are ready to attack it won’t let you because 3 of them hits you non stop it won’t give you your turn while you are ready lite like Christmas why? Why make it the Game cheats you a lot why? Why make them hits you even on your turn they take your turn to hits you why!