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Nos utilisateurs signalent qu'il y a actuellement des problèmes avec le jeu Mobilê Legends Adventure.
Si vous rencontrez également des problèmes avec Mobilê Legends Adventure, les serveurs de jeux peuvent être surchargés, en panne ou inaccessibles en raison d'un problème de réseau, de pannes ou d'une maintenance du serveur en cours.
Pour résoudre le problème, voici certaines choses que vous pouvez faire pour déboguer l'application de jeu Mobilê Legends Adventure et résoudre le problème du jeu Mobilê Legends Adventure qui ne fonctionne pas:
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par Liliane il y a 7 mois
Problème suite a une mise a jour. Sa me mais erreur client.le jeux ne se lance plus et fige . De puis 10 h ce matin.
par mickael il y a 1 an
hello the mobile games legends adventure does not work anymore, I can no longer access the games I can more access the games with my only single account than its made years that I have this account and its ma took a lot of time and investment to have everything I had on this account, I tested several if I can say solutions, uninstall and reinstall the games then I tried to log out my facebook account log in again on it click on the games but the games does not always come a black screen after I click on the games, I play mobile legends adventure on facebook with google chrome browser, After I tried another browser to see if the games worked microsoft edge I tried as browser I connect to my facebook I click on the games being on microsoft edge and on my facebook, The games come but it's as if he asked me to start from scratch so start from the beginning with nothing his I do not accept it, while my one and only account the one I have for years that I have this account and its my took a lot of time and investment to have everything I had on this account I can no longer play with it and that I can no longer play the games and that I can more access the games and when I go to the official page of the games nothing talks about a problem on the games its talks about upcoming events or that there are already on the games, please arrange as soon as possible the problems I encounter, good evening manager of the games.