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If is UP for us but you cannot access it, try these solutions:
I’m on St. John US Virgin Islands at 98 a chocolate hole. My Internet is down it is 6:30 PM. It has been down since 5 PM. Please contact me at 860-514-6034. email not working for 5 days now. Viya says the server is down, and they are "working on it ". I doubt it. It is christmas holidays.
Internet speed dropped from 150MB to 12mb unplugged and rebooted router but still very low speeds
No internet this morning
No internet connection this morning. Was very slow yesterday.
No internet.
Internet issues all day today. Called and understand there is an issue in our neighborhood in Pt Rendezvous on St John. I work from home so this is very problematic having an issue all day with internet. There was no ETA on when it would be back up. Can you please push notifications to us when this is resolved so I don't have to keep calling? thank you
Modem only has power after I rebooted. No connection to router.
Modem only has power after I rebooted. No connection to router.
No internet service.
No internet only phone service
A user from U.S. Virgin Islands reported a problem with Ya : network issues
A user from United States reported a problem with Ya : website