Are you having issues? Provide feedback to Pdfdrive by selecting the option you are having issues with.
If is UP for us but you cannot access it, try these solutions:
The page displays OFLINE
The site does not open. The page displays OFLINE:
It doesn't show me books everytime when i seach
pdfdrive search not working on multiple different browsers.
Not getting searching results
The search results are always empty , even for books that exist in the web(pdf drive)
files not getting downloaded.
Unable to download
Will not download books. I’ve followed some steps that were said to help…..still not working.
Bro.… Before I downloaded recipe books from your site. Nowadays I can't download please can you fix the problem. Thanks a lot 🙏🙏🙏 good website
I don't know what happened but there is a big problem to download books.
Cant download files
Am unable to view books and download them on PDF drive
Hi i have download problem too
I can't download pdf files to my computer or phone
if I press download button notung is happening
I had been using pdf drive since 2012 but suddenly it stopped downloading, why is it not downloading like b4? b4 it was so simple! select book, check remote server for file, once file is ok on remote server we able to download right away! this is very disappointing.
I had been using pdf drive since 2012 but suddenly it stopped downloading, why is it not downloading like b4? b4 it was so simple! select book, check remote server for file, once file is ok on remote server we able to download right away! this is very disappointing.
Could not get the downloaded files on "My Drive" to my computer. Error "Invalid Certificate" ! Please, help me how to fix this insistently annoying problem.... won't download any books on all browsers.
Bonjour, Je n arrive pas a télécharger non plus, j ai désactiver ma protection au cas ou un truc bloquais mais sans résultat , j ai aussi fais ce que vous avez préconisé ci dessous KO
the pdf drive is not dowloading the books
pdf drive file not downloading
I cannot download files
Quick download is not working. The dedicated button does not launch.
I tried, it checked remote health and download (PDF) button appeared, I pressed it but couldn't download.
No download— so sad please fix
The file cant be download
PDF Drive not downloading
can’t download books
Ya realice las soluciones propuestas y aun no queda, continua sin descargar archivos ni siquiera en vista previa
I cant download pdf
Hi, i can not downloading files ,please help me.
Download button not working
I can't download anything on the pdfdrive website.
I Can,t download file. Download button freezing
Clicking on the Download option is not triggering any download action
The download link is not working for me
I cannot understand the problem
Books save to MY Drive but can't download to PC
Files are not downloading.
can't download files
I'm not able to download the pdf. I have all the facilities that support pdfdrive downloading. Kindly suggest
I can't view the downloaded offline copy of the documents
Pdf not download
I cannot download any files. I can't even contact them.
I cannot download any pdf books from Pdfdrive
I don't manage to download any book. I manage to access to your site, I select the book and I choose the format but the downloading process is not operational. Please help me if possible. Thanks a lot .
Unable to download any files
pdf drive unable to download books
can't download ebook
Pdf file not downloading
For me I can't download books and even read since March 2023
PDF not downloading. The link seems not to be embedded in the "Download (PDF)" button. I've clicked it several times but it's not working.
not downloading
Unable to download any pdf book file
Can't dówñload or even réad
I haven't been able to download
I can't download any e book from Pdf drive. If u press the download part their is nothing that changes it sticks that way can't download
i cant download the file, its like not responding to the command
i have a good internet connection but I cannot download file from pdfdrive
Unable to download any pdf from
can't download
I used to rarely download some books from your browser but in a recent times the system has prohibited me from getting the normal service i get. would you please help me with this? my big thank you in advance!!!!
i try to download a book from site PDF driver , but it's does not working why ?
Not being able to download
Hey, why you have remove our access to download any books? This is bac
Not able to download files since end of 2022. This is sad.
no longer able to download books from your site
Cant download its giving me option to download but when I click download it takes me to another website for shopping etc,
I tried to download pdf drive book but failed. I try using different account and different PC but still failed to download
When ever I tried to download. I was received an online shoppers' website (Shopee). I just cannot figure out how to by pass this step and go straight to download and safe the file. Thanks
When I am trying to click Download on the books its not downloading the books. In the URL it leads to #top. maybe you guys need to check the endpoint as to why its not working.
Can't download books from the site
Hi, I was using this site for a long time and am very grateful for many useful books. Since a few months I can't download files anymore, I suppoe my internet connection or file size can't be the reason. could you help to solve this problem for me? Thanks , sincerely Tamar.
"Download" button does nothing..!! can browse through the site, you can search..even the accessibility of the book site does perform..but when click "Download" the button just blinks and nothing is a great site, though
when i click the download pdf button on pdf drive dot com. it does not do anything. previously i was able to download files for my own personal use. so that i become more intelligent to solve others problems not for making score on others. plz help thanks.
when I want to download a file when click the file don't download
Unable to download books
I cannot download files from PDFDrive and have tried all recommended fixes without luck. Very frustrating. Kindly assist to resolve. However, i am able to download from but is limited to not more than 5downloads in 24hrs window. Kindly assist to advise way forward. Ben AGBAJOGU
I cannot download files from PDFDrive and have tried all recommended fixes without luck. Very frustrating. Kindly assist to resolve. However, i am able to download from but is limited to not more than 5downloads in 24hrs window. Kindly assistto advise way forward. Ben AGBAJOGU
I cannot download files from PDFDrive and have tried all recommended fixes without luck. Very frustrating. Kindly assist to resolve. However, i am able to download from but is limited to not more than 5downloads in 24hrs window. Kindly assistto advise way forward. Ben AGBAJOGU
not able to download any book
Failing to download pdfs
PDF drive not downloading files
I can't download any pdf and my wifi is working properly but when I try to download nothing is happening it's been 1week now.
Not able to download any books
I can't download books when I tap the download button
Use is not working anymore (or it has been hacked / stolen if you look at the Facebook page)
when i select the book i want to download it checks for the status of the book and then it gives me the option for dowloading but when i click there it doesnt download but brings adverts. what should i do
cant dowload
I cant download anymore books. i tried everyday. still no luck.
I can't download the books and don't know why as my internet it's stable.
I can't download pdf from the server anymore and i don't seem to know what the problem is. I would like that you offer me assistance in any way possible as i would very much appreciate the help that you can offer. Thanks in advance. Cheers.
Why am I not able to download files??
I can't download files for free.
I can not downoad anything.I believe it has something to do with the ukraine war and recent attacks on the capital,may be the location got destroyed?
Cant download pdf
Unable to download books
I am unable to download pdf files
Pdfs not downloading when clicking on download button its greyed out
pdfs are not downloading
I can't download pdf files
not downloading
cant download from
I cannot download files
Cannot download from pdf drive. When press the download button,no action is notice,when check on download folder,nothing found.
can't download any ebook. Does this issue happen Outside Indonesia too? Is there any solutions for this? Please, kindly help.
i cant download a book
Not able to download file. I get no response at all when I click the download option.
I can't download pdf
I can't download or open books more than a month.
Cant download books
can't download any file
I cannot download from my PDFDrive again for the past 8 months despite the browser and device I use. Please can this problem be fixed as this is one site that guarantees eBooks availability and download?
not downloading
Pdf not downloading. I have tried refreshing the page but nothing is working.
Doesn't seem to download.
I can’t download
No matter which book I click on I am not able to download the book this has been happening for a full year. Can you please get back to me or send me an email and let me know why this is happening. I already checked my settings and it's nothing to do with my settings all of that is an order it's something to do with the site not allowing me to download anything.
The download does not work.
I use to be able to down load PDF files from PDFDRIVE but the site freezes and there is no download. Is there a specific fix to enable the PDF book to download?
I can't download books.
I can no longer download any PDF Drive on PDFDRIVE. The download link is no longer working.
Dear, I am getting mad not able to download anything from site, thought it would be our country problem on internet connection and manipulation. However, it seems that the site has problems. Hope it will be solved soon. I am patiently waiting for operation.
Not able to download
I am unable to download file.
I'm having difficulties in downloading ebooks
pdf drive not downloading
When I am trying to download the file they just write downloaded but nothing will happen. Please help.
Download button not responding
Difficulty in downloading a book
Pdf is not downloading in mobile browser i tried chrome and Firefox
i have not been able to download any book from this site for the last two months
I am unable to download file from pdfdrive.
Still not working for me (8/6/2023). I used every method out there to solve the issue, but nothing's changed.
Unable to download files
I can't download the documents
The PDFDRIVE is not working since 1 or 2 months. I needed very important books but it is not available. I can see most of the people are facing same problem. I do not how it can be solved.
I cannot download books. Downloading function is not working today 03/08/2023.
i can not download book anymore so how can i do to solve my problem
A user from Russia reported a problem with Pdfdrive : website
A user from Uzbekistan reported a problem with Pdfdrive : website
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A user from United States reported a problem with Pdfdrive : website
A user from China reported a problem with Pdfdrive : network issues
A user from United Kingdom reported a problem with Pdfdrive : website
A user from Bosnia and Herzegovina reported a problem with Pdfdrive : network issues
A user from Thailand reported a problem with Pdfdrive : website
A user from Austria reported a problem with Pdfdrive : login
A user from Canada reported a problem with Pdfdrive : website