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Live chat been saying busy now for 24 hours. Account not updating. No tracking available.
Can’t place an order. After I go to the checkout and press continue to payment it throws me back out to the checkout and says there is a technical issue.
When going on next keeps saying not available
I am trying to order a pink cotton hoodie and it states it will arrive in 2 to 3 weeks into Newry Quays Next Store and that is fine, but yet it will not allow me to pay for it by debit card.
Unable to purchase basket items since yesterday. Message keeps saying technical issue
Unable to purchase basket items since yesterday. Message keeps saying technical issue
Can not order when on site
I cant sign In to the App at all since I tried yesterday just keeps buffering thdlem switches to Web page still buffering I accessed my account when I did it through my browser
A user from United Kingdom reported a problem with Next : app