Are you having issues? Provide feedback to Itch by selecting the option you are having issues with.
If is UP for us but you cannot access it, try these solutions:
not loading
the window of itch says "Error: JSON-RPC error 9000: There is no internet connection" and when i went to the website it said "This site can’t be reached The webpage at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address. ERR_ADDRESS_INVALID" on multiple browsers
Unable to connect
website down?
it says "there was an error with your request"
There was an error with your request
It keeps saying there an error with your request.
There was an error with your request.
There was an error with your request.
Error type : Internal server error (500) What's shown on the web page : "There was an error with your request"
There was an error with your request
There was an error with your request it says
Entire site seems to be down. Any page with the itch url says there was an error with your request.
The site won't load, and the app says no internet connection. My internet is on and connected. All other sites/apps are fine.
the site wont load for me
when i open the desktop app it says theres a setup error
A user from Netherlands reported a problem with Itch : website
A user from Colombia reported a problem with Itch : website
A user from Germany reported a problem with Itch : website
A user from France reported a problem with Itch : website
A user from Ireland reported a problem with Itch : app
A user from United States reported a problem with Itch : website
A user from Ukraine reported a problem with Itch : network issues
A user from Australia reported a problem with Itch : website
A user from Spain reported a problem with Itch : website
A user from United Kingdom reported a problem with Itch : website