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6 Reasons to Use Klapty in Real Estate Marketing If you have ever been in the buying and selling process, you must know the traditional way. You go to a real estate agent, see pictures of properties and apartments, and shortlist properties for real-life visits. But, once you reach the place, it doesn't seem similar to what was showcased in pictures. These discrepancies between the listing and the real visits are not just time-consuming, but also very discouraging for new home buyers. That's when virtual reality comes into play. VR can help real estate agents get more clients, grow their business, and deliver top-notch services.  Using 360 virtual tours help to create transparency, allowing clients to virtually inspect the property without going anywhere.   Here's how VR technology can help you:   Make Your Business Stand Out:   When you are providing competitive services like real estate, it becomes very easy to get your services lost in the competition. With your competitors offering the same things and promising the same services, it doesn't matter if the other brokers are as good as you, your clients will surely deviate. However, video marketing in real estate helps your business stand out. Unlike other radio ads or classified, video ads can highlight your listing and make your real estate agency stand out. Let You Virtually Stage Your Property:   According to the reports, 40% of buyers claim that home staging offers positive effects on buyer's decision and over 80% say that staging a home help visualizing the empty property as their future home.  Staging is one of the most effective and best ways to market properties; it allows buyers to see an empty space as a livable place. Just keep in mind to tailor your virtual staging to a specific audience.     Accentuate The Hidden Features Of Your Property:   Good pictures help you quickly sell your properties. In fact, homes that use professional photos to list on their website sell 50% faster than the homes that show standard photos. Considering that, video marketing is the next step to make your listing more attractive and appealing.  You can create a video tour by using a 360-degree or can also create a 'highlight reel' of the property that you want to sell quickly. Both tactics will help you generate more leads and will give you more buyers.   It Saves Time:   Virtual reality saves time of sellers and buyers, as you don't need to travel from one property to another. A real estate broker will give you virtual tours by sitting in their office. Moreover, the virtual reality in real estate will help clients get access to property 24x7.  With the help of this technology, buyers can visit their houses at any time. Also, it increases the global reach and helps to showcase the property to those clients who are living at a distance.   Virtual Tour Help Building Emotional Connection:   Since virtual tours help clients visualize their property, getting fully involved in the imagination builds an emotional connection of clients with the house. Unlike traditional tours, buyers can take virtual tours at their continence, thereby focusing on every detail.  It involves clients more deeply than other conventional 2D images, which completely look different.   It Gives A Stress-Free Shopping Experience:   Choosing the right home is one of the toughest decisions of home buyers. However, with 360 virtual tours, the stressful part of home buying today happens online, where most people feel comfortable. If reports from the National Association of Realtors are to be believed, over 93% of home searches happen online.   Conclusion:   Virtual reality has now become a huge thing, as it can easily transform any industry, and the real estate industry is no exception.
360 Virtual Tours for Real Estate - Part 2 In this second article covering 360 virtual tours in the real estate sector, we review the benefits of such a solution for companies active in this field.   Improve presentation   At one point in time and in certain regions, when demand for property was at its peak, it was sufficient for real estate professionals to publish an ad with a few average looking photos to reach a client. This period is now mostly over. The overall quality of real estate websites has improved over time, with better showcasing of properties (professional photography, use of video). Despite these many improvements, such websites often remain frustrating to visitors, as they lack interactivity. A person interested in a given property may wonder what the surroundings look like, or how the kitchen is fitted and their discovery will be limited to the small number of photos on the website or by a video that doesn't cover a given aspect of the property. With a high-quality 360 virtual tour, the future buyer can explore an entire property, at his own rhythm, from the comfort of his own home. His interest and curiosity are totally fulfilled during this property search session. Beyond exploring the different parts of a property, a real estate agent my provide the visitor with specific information on each part of the product (local history, information on local services and public transportation). Furthermore, the visitor can click on the various objects situated in the place in order to obtain more information, be it through a notice, a link to a PDF document or with a video or animation. This could for example be the full details of the various appliances in a kitchen. On a larger scale, virtual tours produced using Klapty will allow clients to automatically generate a property's floorplans, which they can review leisurely, before they even contact the real estate agent.   Optimising activity   Beyond an improved presentation of properties, it is the various features included within a virtual tour that will help real estate professionals save precious time. The first benefit which comes to mind it that of visit optimisation. People having spotted a property on a website after seeing a few photos and videos, are often disappointed as soon as they enter the building. Helping visitors gain a better idea of a property using a virtual tour therefore avoids useless visits. A better situation for all involved, the client, the real estate agent and the environment. This also helps exclude "real estate tourists", people visiting properties to satisfy their curiosity, without any real purchase intent. Visitors requesting a property visit after "falling in love" with it during a virtual tour are therefore serious clients. This virtual visit will have helped them answer many of their questions. The real estate agent will therefore spend less time answering questions and have more time for the negotiation phase and to promote other properties in his portfolio.
360 Virtual Tours for Tourism - Part 2 In this second article covering to the tourism sector, we review the benefits of such solutions for the various companies active in this field.   Creating emotion   As travelling for a holiday is supposed to be a pleasurable activity, people in charge of travel destinations and tourist establishments must help future travellers dream of their next vacation. Getting people to discover a city or a tourist attraction, using a high-quality virtual tour, helps convey a place's atmosphere or a facility highlight its various benefits. A visitor's first impressions, delivered by the tour within the comfort of their home, will generate various emotions. If these emotions are positive, the person is more likely to make a booking for their next holiday. An entire tourist guide industry has witnessed strong growth in the past decades, promoters in the tourism sector often finding it difficult to share the beauty of their destinations, sites or tourist facilities efficiently, in order to ensure their popularity. With the virtual tour, it has now become much easier for a hotel manager to promote the beautiful new spa in his hotel, or a museum director to showcase a new upcoming exhibition.   Help plan   Most people plan their holidays beforehand, and the 360 virtual tour truly provides added value in this context. As far as destinations are concerned, future visitors can gain a good grasp of a place and of its most interesting attractions, thereby helping them plan their visits. This helps tourists based in one place, but wanting to discover its surroundings, and is a necessity for people travelling throughout an entire region, having to book accommodation in various locations. Combined with a booking system, a virtual tour helps people book well in advance, making it easier for professionals in the tourism sector to plan their upcoming activity level. The presentation of a destination's accommodation offer is enriched using a virtual tour, making it possible for example for a hotel manager to showcase various aspects of his hotel (restaurant, spa, business centre, ...). In the same way, hotels may use the virtual tour to explain usage of their facilities, helping guests discover the features in an interactive and natural manner. People wanting to make a booking will therefore have a better idea of an establishment, thereby reducing the time spent during the booking process. Lastly, a good quality virtual tour serves as a guarantee for guests, allowing them to explore an establishment and its surroundings before booking. This helps avoid traps such as the hotel with a view on the local landfill, or worse...   Impossible locations   Access to some valuable tourist locations is sometimes restricted due to their popularity or for security reasons. In some cases, this involves protecting monuments or natural sites from mass tourism, in order to maintain such places for future generations. This is for example the case of the Grotte de Lascaux, in which the prehistorical wall paintings were starting to decay with the visitors' breathing, resulting in the authorities opening a replica of the cave next to it. Using virtual tours helps keep visits to such locations "open", while protecting them from tourist presence. Other interesting places may be difficult to reach or dangerous. As most people aren't Mike Horn or Bear Grylls, visiting such locations is made possible using a virtual tour.

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Create and share virtual tours or have them done by a professional photographer. Klapty - The world in 360 °, VR 360 and 3D
Virtual Tour Create, share, and discoverThe #1 Tool For Virtual TourDiscover Virtual ToursHow To Create Virtual Tours On Klapty?How To Share Or Embed Virtual ToursBoost Your BusinessWhy Virtual Tours?What Are Virtual Tours?Who Needs Virtual Tours?Klapty Pro & Gold: Even More Features It’s Quick And EasyReal Estate ProfessionalsPhotographersConstruction companiesDronistsArchitects and 3D designersEntrepreneurs, schools, and companiesTourism, heritage sites, and citiesArtists, influencers, and individualsKlapty storms the Virtual Tour Market RealtorDrone videographer3D ArchitectRealtor360 Passionate
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