Is Nextquotidiano Down?

Il futuro possibile. NeXtQuotidiano raccoglie fatti, notizie di attualità e coverage sulla Rete. Approfondimenti e inchieste giornalistiche su punti di vista inediti.

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How to Solve Down or Outage Issues

We have tried pinging using our servers and the server responded on time, indicating that there are no current problems today.

If is down for you too, the server might be overloaded or unreachable because of network problems, outages or a website maintenance is in progress.

If is UP for us but you cannot access it, try these solutions:

  1. Do a full Browser refresh of the site holding down CTRL + F5 keys at the same time on your browser
  2. Clear Your browser Cookies and Cache
  3. Fix DNS problems by Clearing your local DNS cache to make sure that you grab the most recent cache that your ISP has

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Response Header
HTTP headers carry information about the client browser, the requested page and the server status
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Server: nginx/1.13.12
Date: Mon, 29 May 2023 18:58:55 GMT
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 186
Connection: keep-alive

DNS Records
DNS Resource Records associated with a hostname

The DNS is up.   We have tried pinging There are no DNS Issues detected!

Type Name Value Class TTL
A IN 600
NS IN 3600
NS IN 3600
HTTPS Encryption
HTTPS Encrypted.
Is Nextquotidiano safe?
Yes is Safe according to Google Safe Browsing
Response Time
The website responded in 3.41 seconds.
The size of the HTML webpage is 15.50 kB.
Text compression
Webpage is Compressed: The filesize is 15.50 kB.

Site Excerpt Site is Down, Is Nextquotidiano Down?
Site description
Il futuro possibile. NeXtQuotidiano raccoglie fatti, notizie di attualità e coverage sulla Rete. Approfondimenti e inchieste giornalistiche su punti di vista inediti.
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