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We have tried pinging using our servers and the server responded on time, indicating that there are no current problems today.
If is down for you too, the server might be overloaded or unreachable because of network problems, outages or a website maintenance is in progress.
If is UP for us but you cannot access it, try these solutions:
pokemon game moving to slow
The website itself is working, but the game does not appear after clicking the ‘load game’ button. It just takes you to another page with two ads, one of them being where the game used to be. Getting rid of the ads just leads to a blank page.
Yes my name is spelled Jefferey. With an E. And yes. isn't working. For some reason when I hit "load game" on any game (I'm trying to play Pokemon Emerald) (I'm so close too!) it takes me to a new tab. Like normal. But, there isn't a game screen. It's just the normal categories and "We love RETRO GAMES" and just ads. I think the ads are where the emulator screen is supposed to be. But yeah, what do I do?
The site is up but you can not load games. The place where the game window would be on the page is just blank. Tried deleting cookies, different browsers. No luck.
I was playing a game quite recently and I've been trying to play it and tried the methods that were recommended and nothing has worked for me.
gba emulator is not loading regardless if cookies have been cleared, across many browsers
Whenever I try to start game the screen won’t pop up. I press load game but on the next tab that pops up an ad seems to replace the start game screen
My emulator is not working. If I hit load game I go to a page with... no game! I don't have a GBA and this is the only way for me to play Fire Red, Minish Cap, and many more games.
game doesnt pop up with ads
Was just playing last night but now the game won't show up when I try to load it
The game is not showing up on the website.
My emulator doesnt show up
Any game loading
game doesnt load after clicking play game, just the page not including the game - like that on all the games i tried
The emulator to play the GBA Games doesnt appear
When i press the play button, its opens another webpage but the emulator doesnt show
the game is invisible and/or replaced by ads.
ads showing in position of the game
When I move in Paper Mario the screen starts flashing repeatedly making the game hard to see and play
When I move in Paper Mario the screen starts flashing repeatedly making the game hard to see
I was playing pokemon emerald for a couple days, and everything was fine. But today when I press start, there's just a black screen.. Why is that and how can I fix it?
Keyboard on pc often not working
the game is not starting when i press enter
Everytime ive tried to play pokemon leafgreen version, there is just an ad in the place where the game usually is. Ive many others with the same problem, so its probably thats having troubles.
I tried playing The Minish Cap and Mother 3 but there was only and ad in place of where the game is. Closing the ad didn't do anything.
When I click load game, the game won't show up.
game emulator doesn't appear after pressing load game
I have tried to play Metroid Fusion and The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap but the games will not even show up, I'm not sure if its my school or if is broken. though I am assuming there could be a DDoS attack or something. But still! I wanna play Metroid Fusion because I have no Gameboy Advanced at home and I can only play Metroid Fusion at school.
when i load a game, an ad is where the game normally is. i tried removing the ad, but than the game is just gone.
The game I want to play won't show up when I click on 'load game'.