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Notizie di economia, cronaca italiana ed estera, quotazioni borsa in tempo reale e di finanza, norme e tributi, fondi e obbligazioni, mutui, prestiti e lavoro a cura de Il Sole 24 Ore.

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We have tried pinging using our servers and the server responded on time, indicating that there are no current problems today.

If is down for you too, the server might be overloaded or unreachable because of network problems, outages or a website maintenance is in progress.

If is UP for us but you cannot access it, try these solutions:

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Response Header
HTTP headers carry information about the client browser, the requested page and the server status
HTTP/2 200 
server: nginx/1.20.2
content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
x-powered-by: Next.js
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x-varnish: 112037497 57838965
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-max-age: 7200
access-control-allow-credentials: true
access-control-allow-methods: GET, PUT, POST, OPTIONS
access-control-allow-headers: Set-Cookie, Cookie, Origin, Accept, Content-Type, X-Frame-Option, X-Requested-With, X-CSRF-Token, X-Nile-Origin, X-Request-ID, x-graph, X-Nile-Client, X-Apollo-Tracing, x-authtoken, x-graph-query, x-nile-product-service, Pragma, apollographql-client-name
x-cache-ttl: 5936.630
x-cache-hits: 117
x-age: 1263
x-akamai-transformed: 9 241965 0 pmb=mRUM,1
date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 20:57:27 GMT
server-timing: cdn-cache; desc=HIT
server-timing: edge; dur=500
vary: User-Agent
server-timing: ak_p; desc="467060_399621524_225326682_49879_665_1_0";dur=1

DNS Records
DNS Resource Records associated with a hostname

The DNS is up.   We have tried pinging There are no DNS Issues detected!

Type Name Value Class TTL
A IN 86399
NS IN 54286
NS IN 54286
HTTPS Encryption
HTTPS Encrypted.
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Yes is Safe according to Google Safe Browsing
Response Time
The website responded in 0.22 seconds.
The size of the HTML webpage is 249.13 kB.
Text compression
Webpage is Compressed: The filesize is 249.13 kB.

Site Excerpt Site is Down, Is Ilsole24ore Down?
Site description
Notizie di economia, cronaca italiana ed estera, quotazioni borsa in tempo reale e di finanza, norme e tributi, fondi e obbligazioni, mutui, prestiti e lavoro a cura de Il Sole 24 Ore.
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il sole 24 ore di economia borsa italiana ed il sole 24 ore
it Location Map

  • City Legnano

  • Region Lombardy

  • Country Italy
Legnano latitude: 45.5968 longitude: 8.919

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