Is Word Free Time Down?

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📋 2 Recent Outage Reports

Susan 2023-07-29

I am up to puzzle 1756. I almost completed the puzzle, but on the last word, I am trying all possible combinations of letters, but nothing works. There is obviously an error, so I am not sure how to solve this. Any suggestions? Thank you.

Mary Couey 2023-05-10

Why is the money gone down on the special. I don't know how to say it. It use to be 40 not 30. The other one when you start over with numbers it is lower than before.

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Word Free Time, Is Word Free Time game Down? Is Word Free Time Down?
Game description
Do you like themed word puzzle or crossword game? If you enjoy it, Word Free Time will give you a different experience and BIG surprise! Word Free Time is a relaxing Word Game where you spell related words according a clue on a crossword-style board. With tons of levels available, you’ll enjoy the challenge of testing your vocabulary skills daily, while earning tons of coins! FEATURES: • Each puzzle has a CLUE...