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Our users reports indicate that there are no current problems with Wingspan .
If you're having problems with Wingspan too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Wingspan and solve the Wingspan not working issue:
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by Susan 1 year ago
Was working fine but for the past week it started closing after each of my plays. This is when the opponent has a turn. It saves the game so I can open app again and restart game but it then crashes again after my play. This started happening after it started advertising at me to buy the oceanic extension. I am not sure if that had anything to do with it but conspicuous. Very frustrating.
by Annedoor Koelman 1 year ago
The app keeps shutting down during custom game. Both on iPhone and iPad.
by Kimberly 1 year ago
The game server is not logging in. It has been 3 hours that the screen greys out and no buttons are working. My phone is current and up to date.
by Patricia Brooks 1 year ago
I can’t play the online game on my iPad. I Keep getting an error message which reads: Onlinr error 16. Something went wrong. Please try again. I didn’t have any problem with the update on my iPhone. What can I do ? I prefer to play on my iPad as arthritis in my fingers make it hard to play in such a smaller area.
by Kylie 1 year ago
Wingspan keeps crashing. I have a GREAT move and each time I play it, the app shuts me out and removes my move