Are you having issues? Provide feedback to Wing Fighter by selecting the option you are having issues with.
Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Wing Fighter .
If you're having problems with Wing Fighter too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Wing Fighter and solve the Wing Fighter not working issue:
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by Hennie 11 months ago
Tried to do the Titan challenge. But it keeps on throwing me out. Both my tickets gone with 0 damaged done to the Titan... I have screenshots.
by SC60 - Terry Thamrin 1 year ago
Hi, Somehow my attributes gains from my pilots does not show on planet wars. I checked on pilot screen and totaly opposite with current planet wars which display alomost zero atributes for me. It also happen to my team mate. This is my pilot id IU6hx2uCcgUZrUhwyjAbFwB2/5Sj9paOXpr93Z4Cye9FfigT3y2Va9utvOyfcUpt Please look it up. Thank you
by Jamie hopson 1 year ago
So I’ve rebooted my phone, closed the game and restarted game says looking for updates and then I get two options quit or keep trying , but nothing happens after a few seconds the same options reappear. Is the server down?
by Brian 1 year ago
I was logged in game when my game started to lag I closed the game went to reload it logs me in to my Gmail yet once the loading bar reaches 100% says I have no network both mobile data and my WiFi both are working fine and I’m using my same phone for this message