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Our users reports indicate that there are no current problems with Trivia Deluxe .
If you're having problems with Trivia Deluxe too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Trivia Deluxe and solve the Trivia Deluxe not working issue:
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by Frances 26 1 year ago
I am having serious problems saying an error has occurred halfway through a game and I end up back to the beginning having lost any progress and points that I have used. I also have lost the briefcase deals have you finished with that feature.. I don't feel it can be a connection fault as I play other app games and they do not present any problems. Please can you give any solution? It does spoil the enjoyment of the game
by Irene Wood 2 years ago
Every five to ten minutes the game crashes, leaving me with a black screen.