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43.24% Contact Match
Unable to play scrabble as there is a white box covering the entire screen prohibiting me to make any plays.
Screen won't finish loading the game.
After nearly every play I am redirected to Google Play for an advertisement about one of their games. I usually have to power up the Scrabble Go app over and over again.
not getting points or new tiles after playing a word
There’s a white cover over the face of the game; I can not remove it , preventing me from playing! I tried deleting and reinstalling it numerous times but it remains. Help!
When I open the app on my Samsung phone its stuck at loading on 16%
i cant open the rewards chests in scrabble go stays locked even when I reached the score to open it
Promotion for Durham college seems to offer no exit option, making it impossible to return to game without restarting the phone. Please help.
Rewards not working
Cannot open email box
The prize chests aren't opening therefore I'm not receiving the diamond rewards. This seems unfair as I use them to play the word games. Please resolve.
Not working, won’t let me reach inbox or anything else.
Screen telling me to check my inbox for tournament results but not allowing me to do so. Can’t move away from that screen. Can’t access my current games. Tried updating my phone, deleting and reinstalling the app, restarting my phone, force stopping the app, and none of it worked.
Screen telling me to check my inbox for tournament results but not allowing me to do so. Can’t move away from this screen.
Chests not opening
Frequent drop out of game and frozen screen.
Not opening…screen is black
Error message when connecting to the game through Facebook
Game will not come up for either me or my opponent (running SCRABBLE GO under FACEBOOK on a PC with either CHROME or EDGE browser) Reported error: An error occurred running the Unity content on this page ... Uncaught TypeError; Failed to set the 'innerHTML' property on 'Element'. Does not proceed past the Scopely 0% page. scopely 0% page.
Cannot get spellings, letters stick to the board, like they are frozen
Cannot get spellings, letters stick to the board, like they are frozen
Game not loading on I pad
scrabble go not loading on facebook ..i am not on iphone or android.only on internet
A user from United States reported a problem with Scrabble: game play