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Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with Roblox .
If you're having problems with Roblox too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg Roblox and solve the Roblox not working issue:
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100% Contact Match
by Lina 1 year ago
Quería picarle A rechazar de mi sesión y le pique a asertar y no se como obtenerla denuevo
by Rennyroo 1 year ago
Robots is'nt working. Oh, oops I said robots.😂 Anyways, Roblox is saying that parental controls is blocking from this amazing experience for children like me. I know, you must be laughing at me. Although, I'm being serious. My mom can't figure out her password to delete it though. So I'm sad that I can't play. I would like to have fun with children all around the world not madder there skin color or who they are. I love interacting with people. Please, just please. Help my situation. By the way my mom really doesn't know the password to deleting parental controls. On the other hand my mom is getting parental controls on my Nintendo Switch.😂 Please help me please and thankyou so much. Have a nice summer...If its summer where you guys are!😅
by Izu 2 years ago
Game sounds not playing