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by Saulo Martins 1 year ago
Real Boxing 2 Help, please bug texture, graphics now Impossible. Poco Phone F5 PRO 5G 513GB/12 RAM Fix bug error (maximum graph)
by Pancho V 1 year ago
Boxer's face does not change even if you make adjustments. My boxer is bald but several times he will come out having the same hair as his opponent's. When i slide to move away or move back, boxer just stands still. Very frustrating.
by Charles McCoy 2 years ago
On the Switch version, the fight with Thomas Fleisher is not giving me my stars. You are supposed to only get knocked down less than 3,2, or 1 times in the final round. I have beaten him in the final round without getting knocked down and still haven't gotten my stars
by Noah s. 2 years ago
Very strange my boxers facial features are unchangeable and his eyes are like glitching out, most of time the equipment in the store looks not even halfway loaded or very very bad quality and blurry. The main menu and just about everything else looks just perfect but his face and equipment quality all looks corrupted and his body has a green tint to certain areas of it. Oh and they adjustments I make to the face although not visibly able to tell from face but the area of the sliding bar adjustments are usually in different places when I come back to it
by Phil tabor 2 years ago
When I touch screen to throw punch my player just stands there
by Doug Kossakowski 2 years ago
All data erased and started back at create boxer