Is PopcornTrivia Down?

Earn ranks and climb from a lowly cleaning crew member to a powerful studio head! Points earn you bonuses which can be strategically used on lifelines for those extra-hard questions. - Choose from a wide range of movies across all genres

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Game Excerpt

PopcornTrivia, Is PopcornTrivia game Down? Is PopcornTrivia Down?
Game description
Earn ranks and climb from a lowly cleaning crew member to a powerful studio head! Points earn you bonuses which can be strategically used on lifelines for those extra-hard questions. - Choose from a wide range of movies across all genres. - Challenging questions that test your film knowledge. - Questions are cleverly crafted by true cinephiles. - Encounter a wide variety of questions. - Great at parties or on your own. - New movies added weekly. - Answers offer trivia bits about your favorite movies. From the people who brought you CustomPlay, The Ultimate Movie Companion App for iPad and iPhone, comes a movie trivia game for your tv! It's fun, addicting and entertaining!

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