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47.27% Contact Match
Violation of the rules of the game .. Sorry
I can't watch ads
I want wach an ad to get revard but the ad wont play and say bad internet conection try 10 sec later when i heav a strong wifi
My I'd 38 level without any reason banned my I'd I play fair game play Please unban my I'd My email
There is a guy named king I have seen him blocking the bridge's ok need your help
They banned me with no reason and telling me that i hacked rthd😔
Its crashing 😫
I do have been playing for years VIP paid VIP Pro Player and I too have lost my account my trucks my levels and I was at level 18 all gone and I cannot get in touch with the developers or the creators to try and resolve the issue they have not answered me back I'm outraged
Ban mistake
I can play multiplayer mode.and can't watch ad's
I don’t know when I pay to VIP pass is complete this game will be ban my device iphone
لماذا تم تبنيدي ما سبب الباند ارجو حل المشكله با اسرع وقت ممكن
لقد تم تبنيدي ما سبب ذلك الباند ارجو حل المشكله با اسرع وقت ممكن
لقد تم تبنيدي ما سبب الباند ارجو حل المشكله با اسرع وقت
English sub : "It has often happened to several players, one of them is me. Players who have never cheated or violated the policies listed are still subject to a ban from the game/server side. Which can harm game lovers in the form of playing comfort. Please take the policy immediately. And please return my account as before."
When I want to join to the game it start loading and then kick me out and close the app. So I deleted the app and reinstalled. But now I can’t log in all my trucks are gone my level 27 gone, I have played this game for couple of years now I have to play from the beginning. And what about money what I have spent 😡
I m new gamer why me ban
A user from Russia reported a problem with Offroad online RTHD ( 2022): not working
A user from Ukraine reported a problem with Offroad online RTHD ( 2022): not working