Are you having issues? Provide feedback to NBA 2K by selecting the option you are having issues with.
Our users are reporting that there are currently problems with NBA 2K .
If you're having problems with NBA 2K too, the games' servers might be overloaded, down or unreachable because of a network problem, outages or server maintenance is in progress. Here are some fixes to debugg NBA 2K and solve the NBA 2K not working issue:
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92.31% Contact Match
by Kc miller 6 months ago
A freeze freezes and crashes every time. I try to load the game and as soon as I. Click on a button like to tournaments or anything like that
by 𝗖𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗲𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗰𝗼ツ 1 year ago
My game keeps crashing when I try to play any match
by Dakota Byrd 2 years ago
It keeps crashing
by Quinn 2 years ago
N seaaon five now just gets sruck loading rurney h2h and all of it
by Nathan Weems 2 years ago
Not working , black and yellow screen when opening the game
by VonFromDaO 2 years ago
it won’t let me log in it keeps saying network maintenance