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when I go into the game the lobby loads perfectly fine after I choose the career mode at first its loading perfectly fine but after a while my screen just goes pitch black I can hear the music and everything around the game perfectly fine but I cannot see at all, i tried uninstalling and installing but still does not work, I tried rebooting my device still nothing I've been trying to fix it but I cant.
The controls aren’t working and whenever I’m trying to go forward or turn I can’t go so please fix this 😔
Game loads up and makes it to the start screen. It won’t take any controller input. Nothing happens.
My grandson "rescues" a vehicle. He then chooses to test drive that vehicle. It's no longer working to allow him to test drive. It just disappears and defaults to his vehicle. What has changed?
When i choose career it loads and then black screen, i can hear everything but cannot see anything. Ive cycled wifi and cell data, restarted my phone and nothing works
Game loads but will not respond to controller input
Game stuck in first screen, no response on controller
Just got the game on our Nintendo switch and it won’t work. Takes forever to load, then won’t do anything once it opens. We push every button and nothing happens
Game wont start, after i press play and chose the mode it came loading and then black screen. Nothing work: Restart phone Uninstalled game and etc Bit working at all
Black screen in game after i choose wich mode i play
When i choose carreer it starts coming loading and after some time waiting there is still coming loading.
The game will not take input from the switch controllers. All other games work
No controls working
control's are not working
Car not moving
A user from Germany reported a problem with Mudness Offroad Car Simulator: game play